Are Your Social Media Efforts Aligned with SEO?

Are Your Social Media Efforts Aligned with SEO?

Social media is now an inseparable part of internet marketing. You can’t succeed in increasing exposure and engaging visitors without the right social media strategy. The top social networking platforms, such as Twitter and Facebook, can also help boosting your site’s SEO performance.

The campaigns you run on social media need to be aligned with your SEO strategies for maximum impact. Here are some of the tactics you can use to help you get started.

Boost Traffic and User Engagement

Search engines now take a lot of metrics into consideration when determining a website’s rank in search results. The time visitors spent on your site as well as where they are coming from all play important roles in determining your SEO performance. Adjusting your social media campaigns to boost these two metrics can really help produce results.

A good approach is to use your website as an anchor to all of your social media activities. Add a link for more information at the end of your series of Tweets. Direct users to a page on your site instead of directly to a YouTube video. The same tactics can be used on other platforms as well.

As you boost traffic and user engagement, your site will enjoy a nice boost in SEO performance as well. The impact of these tactics is highly measurable and you will be able to track it using data-driven tools and with the help of companies like Click Intelligence.

Take Advantage of Other Social Media Users

Influencer marketing is a hot concept these days. It is a great way to generate a lot of interest and attract traffic by using top influencers’ social media pages. That said, you should never neglect the potentials of other social media users. The more your links are shared, the better your site will perform SEO-wise.

Instead of spending a lot of money on influencer marketing, try to encourage more users to share your content. You can do this by producing high quality, immensely valuable content that users actually love to share. You also need to make sharing articles and videos as easy as possible.

On top of that, reward users for sharing your content. There are scripts and plugins that can help you track visitors’ activities while they are visiting your site, including the social media shares you receive from them. Simple incentives (i.e. a free eBook or other digital products) can really encourage social sharing even further.

Targeting Qualified Users

One last thing you should never forget when running a social media campaign is targeting. The campaign needs to be highly targeted for two reasons. First, you can aim it at users that actually want to buy your products or services. This means the campaign will influence sales almost immediately.

The second reason is why you are probably reading this article: SEO. There are thousands of users with a lot of followers and a high level of influence in the industry. Reaching out to them and getting them to engage can lead to a lot of relevant mentions and backlinks. Relevance will help boost your site’s SEO performance by a substantial margin.

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