4 Tips on Landing Your First Legal Job in Toronto

4 Tips on Landing Your First Legal Job in Toronto

Working in the law sector in Toronto can be mighty lucrative, as many law firms pay handsomely to compensate for the cost of living, and the city’s legal system, despite what you might’ve heard, is (fairly) easy to work within. However, there’s just one catch: you have to get employed first! So if you are just coming out of law school, you’ll need these tips to get you started.

1. Network

People in Toronto are friendly for the most part, and networking is always one of the best ways to get ahead in any career. As such, don’t just reach out to people in the industry who hold your desired occupation –whether that’s a lawyer, clerk, paralegal – but to anyone you think is relevant and can help. These people will not only give you first-hand advice from their experiences but also give you leads that may prove fruitful. Networking is easy even if you do not know anybody, personally, who may help out. Start with friends in the industry and then reach out to other people via phone, mail, or social media—just don’t be shy.

2. Consult a Job Recruitment Firm

So maybe you’re not the finest networker… There’s another way to get connected with thousands of potential employers and get all their details in one place, and it starts by seeking out legal recruitment services in Toronto and meeting with them to chat about your long- and short-term career goals. With a headhunter, your profile will be visible to potential employers, and if they like what you’ve got, or are simply in need of filling entry level positions, there’s your in. Legal recruitment firms are free for job seekers, and they share tons of educative tips on how to navigate the job market, so it’s wise to contact one.

3. Polish Up

Another tip is to stay polished and up-to-date, because professionals in the legal sector are expected to stay sharp. Even if you’re just coming out of law school, make sure that you refresh your knowledge of the land’s law and keep up with new developments. Additionally, optimize your resume every now and then by staying up-to-date on the latest standards for a CV. Law firms in Toronto are looking for the best, brightest and most attuned to the current legal landscape, so always be a step ahead of your peers, and be better than you were before.

4. Know Yourself

A final tip is to know yourself. Who are you? What is your personality? Where would you like to work, and where do you see yourself five years from now? Professionals in the legal sector are required to have good self-confidence, and this is impossible to master when you do not have a deep understanding of your personality. As such, reflect on who you are and never suppress your real personality (unless you have some bad tendencies, in which case, suppress them in the workplace and work on them in your time).


Hopefully, with all that in mind, you’ll be ready to enter the rat race, networking, pursuing headhunters, staying current and making sure you use your individuality to your advantage.

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