How To Create A Winning Email Marketing Campaign For Your Business

How To Create A Winning Email Marketing Campaign For Your Business

Digital marketing has greatly evolved over time. However much email is said to be the oldest digital medium in use, it still remains as the most effective. There can be various marketing campaigns such as content marketing, display advertising, and social media. Statistics by campaign monitor reveals that email marketing remains the king with a 4400% ROI. This means that for every $1 spent, there is an ROI of $44!

However, you need to understand that email marketing’s reach goes behind just ROI. That is why you need to learn on how to create a winning email marketing campaign to help you get the intended results. The main goal of email marketing among other marketing strategies is business growth. In order to grow your business using this marketing channel, you must follow the right email marketing practices.

Below are the top email marketing strategies that will enable you to create winning email campaigns.

1. Test campaigns with small sample sizes

This is the best way to come up with the right email subject lines and messages. You will have to look at your list of subscribers and determine how effective small sample sizes will help you to reach out to your target audience. Remember that in email marketing, success depends on your ability to test various efforts. You must determination of the right subject lines and messages that result in higher response rates. You can then comfortably roll them out to a majority of subscribers on your list.

In case your email list contains 1000 or more subscribers, you may not necessarily need to roll out your campaign to all of them at once; you can start with a respectable test before finally rolling out your email marketing campaign. Never settle on a specific routine but rather keep testing new efforts so that you can continue improving your model altogether.

2. Appropriate segmentation of your list

Some marketers commit a grave mistake trying to address all subscribers to their email list as a single entity. In fact, the reality is that there are different customers with different needs, multiple personas and unique audience adding up to your email list. You, therefore, need to properly segment your list so as to help you deliver the right message to the right people in the list. Many customers do appreciate when, you as a marketer, are able to communicate and resonate properly with the audience.

A report by MailChimp actually reveals that multiple performances boost from segmented lists with a 14.31% higher open rate, 9.37% fewer un-subscriptions and 100.95% higher clickthroughs in segmented lists. You may start with effective social media marketing to determine the right people to add to your list, and depend on their needs and preferences, be able to segment the list into categories of prospects with the same interests and needs.

3. Create a lead nurturing strategy

Besides using email as a channel designed for selling, the most crucial role email marketing does to boost revenue for your business is lead generation and turning them into customers. In order to achieve this, you will need to work smart by delivering high-quality educational content delivered in various parts over the course of a specific period such as a month. You can as well narrow down this to an advanced strategy whereby you will start delivering emails based on target customer’s actions such as links clicked on, emails they have responded to and the segmented lists they have signed up for.

Use of social media influencers is also a smart way to reach out to the audience that you may otherwise not be able to reach on your own. Hiring social media personalities whose opinions are respected and trusted can help you convert many prospects out there and manage to have them in your email marketing checklist for better business engagements.

4. Ensure you use a checklist before sending

The send button is usually the last part of email marketing from the entrepreneur’s side. Once you hit the button, there is no reverse. For this reason, you need to ensure that proofread every detail of the emails before sending them. Remember that through email marketing campaigns, you are creating an image for your business. Therefore any slight mistakes can immensely hurt your chances of more prospects engaging with your brand.

This kind of checklist actually goes beyond mere check for grammar and spelling mistakes. You can actually take advantage of the many useful checklists and resources available to help you ensure all your emails are optimized for better engagement with the target audience rather than getting them thrown into spam or thrash. Some important details need to be adhered to including effective subject line length, personalization and spam filter triggering words among others. Once you are capable of preparing your emails and using a checklist before sending, you can be sure the emails will be of top quality to trigger meaningful engagements with the target market.

5. Use a combination of email and HTML emails

Many business entrepreneurs have had this question in mind on whether they should use text or HTML emails. It’s true that text emails have higher open rates according to statistics as compared to HTML emails. Still, most of the internet users always prefer HTML emails. It may also prove difficult to capture the attention of your subscribers using text emails. In such a case, therefore, all you need to do is to use the combination of both text and HTML emails. While in the case of HTML emails, ensure that you get a minimally designed HTML version. Use a simple font size that is easier to read and initiate a call to action by the target market. In case you have an important email you want to send to your customers or prospects, you would want to send the text emails.

These are just but some of the crucial strategies you need to incorporate in your email marketing campaigns. Many businesses, however, focus too much on tactics. When things don’t work, they start blaming email marketing terming it as an ineffective digital marketing channel. However, getting the right fundamentals in place, everything else will fall into place. Better results will start coming your way from using email marketing and even be able to create room for exploration.


Misconceptions aside, email marketing campaigns go way beyond just having to write texts, adding some images, finding the email list and hitting the send button. You need a more thorough approach to guarantee better conversions and growth of your business.

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