How IT Support and 24/7 Helpdesk Can Help Business Growth

Photograph: WashULibraries / Flickr

For modern business, it’s important to have a 24/7 helpdesk to stay ahead of their competitors. The reason for this is that, in today’s tech-centric business climate, having disaster strike at the wrong time can lead to service reduction or shutdown, which reduces overall efficiency. As such, having an IT helpdesk is mandatory, since having this kind of support is ideal for both your employees and end users.

Depending on the nature of your business, anything from simple accessibility problems to catastrophic system failures can be reversed or even prevented before they become a problem with continuous assistance from helpdesk support. Having access to immediate, competent support can help in resolving issues well in advance, ensuring that larger problems won’t happen later on. In many cases, your support desk can become a service “line of defense” for customers needing help as well.

Support for Remote Employees

Businesses often rely on their workers outside the office and outside normal business hours. Some businesses, in fact, are completely built around such a model. However, any business relying on a central, distributed data for their workers are certainly at risk without the assistance of a 24/7 helpdesk support. Having access to all-day IT support not only helps ensure the availability of professional help for regular employees whenever they need it, but also guarantees that competent assistance is accessible for those working outside traditional business hours as well.

This is most apparent in the sales and service business, since these workers may be contacted by customers even after hours, requiring assistance with things they are unfamiliar with, especially in subjects like technology resale or distribution. Having a central “brain” that possesses the knowledge to assist the client makes life easier not only for your clients, but also for the remote and after-hours workforce as well. Another issue to consider is when employees bring their work home with them but encounter issues with company logins or internal programs. By having a helpdesk administrator immediately available to them, everything from login assistance to full remote control troubleshooting can be taken care of quickly and easily.

Increased Overall Efficiency

By making sure that your company has a 24/7 helpdesk at its disposal, the probability of a systemic failure is significantly reduced, especially with the use of incidence reporting. For example, if a potential issue is noticed by several employees working after-hours, having a remote staff on hand to troubleshoot it might avert potentially damaging problems later on, particularly if the support quickly takes notice of an issue within a server or database.

These problems, left untreated for more than a few hours, can have possible catastrophic effects if left unchecked. In response to this, an IT helpdesk must be equipped with web-based incident reporting, which allows direct reports of trouble from anywhere. Basically, this technology can help locate and isolate these issues as well as resolve them before they become extremely problematic. With ticketing and monitoring systems in place, the company infrastructure can be maintained smoothly throughout the day without the need for too much effort.

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