How to Choose the Best Connector Supplier in China

Finding a supplier in China is like a needle in a haystack. It requires perseverance, determination and focused methodology. Hiring the first you find will often end in disappointment. Here is a guide on how to focus your search in a few areas and ensure the tips below can help identify  the long-term connector supplier and short-sighted price focused disaster.

Finding a Partner

Consider your supplier as a long term partner rather than a simple supplier. In order to develop a long term relationship there requires, like any relationship, a period of learning. This should include identifying potential suppliers through a number of different sources.

After you have identified potential suppliers you should find out as much background information as possible. Attending a trade show where they will be, reviewing their online presence as well as contacting them by video chat and phone.

Setting a Standard

When you are looking for a connector supplier, like any suppliers, you need to have a set of defined standards of acceptance. This includes not only quality standards, but standards for security of information and finance as well as relevant product support,  especially for connector suppliers who need it for some technical parts.

In Due Diligence

With every supplier you will need to conduct further researches.  If your potential supplier is not forthcoming with information on any of the major aspects of the partnership, it is time to drop them from consideration. Any company that wants a long term relationship will not hesitate solving your doubts, especially regarding to quality control, transfer of ownership, information security, and financial payment protection.

For Connector Suppliers

Your connector supplier should be third-party certified. Pay attention that the certification is not out-dated, but an ongoing and continuous one, of which the documentation as such should be provided. Generally, Underwriters Laboratories (UL) is the best third-party certification in the industry.

When entering into a manufacturing partnership, do not even bother if you are not going to visit the site of manufacture. Being able to see first-hand the plant or shop where your components will be manufactured provides incredible eye-witness accounts of your supplier’s potential. Their plant should be clean, neat and kept well-ordered. An ISO certification is generally the best prove of this type of consistency in any manufacturing company.

Quality Matters

For connectors, the best part of a quality supplier will be their ability to meet your exacting quality standards. This would mean an in-house testing facility and equipment to ensure quality control. It also means your supplier should have an engineering expert on staff to control the process and provide advice and support to you during the initial development phase of any project.

All in all, with a plan that focuses on a long term strategic partnership with an eye to a quality relationship, you can ensure your first foray into a connector supplier relationship is one that will last a long time.

WinPin is one such connector supplier that has proven their ability as a quality supplier and long term partner to many clients.

This post is originally published on

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