3 Ways to Use Your Car As A Better Vehicle For Business

3 Ways to Use Your Car As A Better Vehicle For Business

A life surrounding business is a lifestyle that is about being on the go. You always have to be turned on because when you’re at the helm of an operation, or you’re working your way up the corporate latter, responsibilities come to rest on your shoulders.

When you’re at the office, you’re on. When you’re home, you’re on. There is really very little time for downtime. Of course, it’s important that every entrepreneur and business person takes time off and learns when to say no for their own personal health, when a business is just beginning or it’s in a critical time of growth, there is just so much work to be done sometimes you won’t able to take a break for a long time.

If this describes you and you feel like you’re always on the go and you’re anxious for a little more downtime, or at the least, a little bit more efficiency in your own life, your time spent in your car is a prime time to get things done. If you spend a significant amount of time in your Ford or a vehicle of the like that has some cool bells and whistles, use those to your advantage.

Here are 3 ways to use your car as a better vehicle for business:

Listen to Business Podcasts on the Road

A good entrepreneur knows that there is always something new to be learned. If you’re in business, chances are good that you live in a city and you’re making a commute to get to work each day. This is prime time to get your education. There are so many resources out there to help you learn. Podcasts are amazing. If you’re sitting in your car doing nothing but stressing about the traffic or what your next business move is, thrown on a podcast and learn while you drive. One or two hours a day is a lot of time to spend in your car. Might as well use it to better yourself and your career.

Use Bluetooth and GPS Technologies

Bluetooth technology has been around for a while, but nowadays, vehicles are making it stupidly easy to hook up your phone’s Bluetooth technology to your car. It’s hands off. All you have to do is speak to your car and say “call so and so” and your car will do it. You’ll hear everything through your speaker and you can get important work done at the same time that you’re driving. Also, using a car GPS tracking device to monitor your car in real-time location is a great idea. It will help protect your vehicle from theft or unauthorized use.

Carpool As A Networking Tool

Business is largely about networking. If you live in the suburbs of a city and have to ride into work every day, hit up LinkedIn or something of the like and see if anybody else going into the city would want to carpool. This gives you the ability to make connections, learn from others, and save money and time. When you’re not the one driving, you can be productive in other ways. Cars a blessing. Traffic may be a curse, but if you’re using the time wisely, there’s blessing in it, too.

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