Reincarnation through Science of Cryonics

Reincarnation through Science of Cryonics

The past decades have seen some major changes in our daily lives. Things that were considered impossible have become possible. There has been plenty of advancement in every field and the same applies to healthcare. As a matter of fact, the technological boom of the 21st century opened up a horde of new aspects and enabled researches to be conducted that have revolutionized the entire industry. It can be said that medical science has begun a completely new era that holds the secrets of extending the human life and postponing death for as long as possible. New regenerative medical technologies have been introduced for this purpose, which include genetic reprogramming via CRISPR, stem cell therapies and organ fabrication.

However, not even a single technology has the potential to extend life indefinitely as Cryonics does. In order to understand the science of cryonics and how it can make reincarnation possible, you need to know about cryogenics. This is a proven technology used all over the world for reliably storing and recalling a wide array of cells. The first successful human birth with the help of cryogenics occurred in 1986 and the freezing techniques used for both sperm and egg have improved considerably since then. Up till now, there have been almost 10,000 births with these cryogenically frozen sperm and eggs.

The cryogenics applications have expanded in recent years to include tissue and umbilical cord storage. Cryogenics and cryonics are basically analogues, but the difference is that the latter doesn’t freeze a small group of cells that can be used in the future. Instead, a human being is frozen in cryonics in the hope that when the requisite technologies exist in the future, the person will be brought back to life. If it does happen, it will give people a second chance at life and that too in the future.

This science of cryonics has been applied by General Cryonics for the purpose of reincarnation. But, they believe that successful preservation is key for ensuring a successful revival in the future. Cryonics temperature of less than -130C are maintained and once placed in long-term storage, it results in a slowdown of molecular activity thereby pausing biological time. Thus, medical technologies have the required time to develop to the extent that the patient can be brought back, even if it is way in the future.

Nevertheless, as the human body is quite complex, it is significantly more difficult to use the current cryogenics techniques for preserving it whole. Therefore, General Cryonics has chosen to start it small and observe a cryonics protocol that can be effective in preserving a single organ, which is achievable and realistic. The cryopreservation techniques are optimized for preserving the experiences and memories of the patient. This focus on optimizing the preservation techniques for the brain is a great move as it increases the probability of a successful preservation thereby leading to a successful revival in the future when the required technology is developed.

Thus, effective and optimized use of cryonics may eventually pave the way to reincarnation.

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