The Difference Between Hemp and CBD Oil

The Difference Between Hemp and CBD Oil

In the last few years, CBD has invaded the market due to its safe usage, popularity and the various benefits it can provide in regard to your overall health and wellbeing. CBD oil or cannabinoid comes from the cannabis sativa plant and it has been found to be visibly effective in dealing with major diseases such as depression, epilepsy and pain management. The significant advantage that CBD has over other compounds in cannabis is that it doesn’t comprise of any psychoactive element such as Tetrahydrocannabinol, which can cause a high when it is consumed.

The problem is that people are often confused with Hemp and CBD oils as in some places these terms are used alternatively. Since everyone wants to use pure CBD oil for reaping its benefits, it is essential to understand the difference between the two. First things first, you should know that both oils are obtained from the same species of the plant. But, there is a drastic difference between the health benefits and mechanism of these oils due to their origin.

Hemp Oil

The seeds of the cannabis plants are used for extracting hemp oil and it can be obtained from all plants that belong to the cannabis genus. However, only industrial hemp is used for making it because it has the lowest quantities of THC and this means it is safe to use. The problem is that the quantity of CBD in hemp oil is also reduced so it can only offer nutritional value instead of its medicinal benefits.

Uses of Hemp Oil

Hemp oil can be used in place of olive oil as it is laden with nutrients. It can add great taste to foods as it is high in omega-3, omega-6 acids and other unsaturated fats. It can be used in topical products such as moisturizers and lotions for skincare. This oil is eco-friendly and can also be used for making paints and as a biodiesel fuel.


Cannabis oil or CBD is extracted naturally from the leaves, flower or stalk of the plant. It contains a substantial quantity of cannabidiol and this is one of the reasons it has become popular in the marijuana industry. It is also safe and legal in various areas because it has very little or no amount of THC in it. The high quantities of CBD in the oil maximizes its potency and makes it beneficial for dealing with different diseases.

Uses of CBD Oil

CBD oil has proven to be very effective in dealing with symptoms of depression and various other psychological illnesses such as energy fluctuation, mood swings and anxiety disorders amongst others. The chemicals found in the oil are also handy for cancer treatment and preventing cancer cell growth. It also shows great results in controlling seizures, especially in patients suffering from epilepsy. Symptoms of Alzheimer’s can also be treated with CBD oil and it works as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic, which makes it useful for pain management. CBD oil is also beneficial for treatment of skin problems like acne and blemishes.

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