How to Come Up With Business Name Ideas: Naming Guide for Startups

How to Come Up With Business Name Ideas: Naming Guide for Startups

Coming up with a name for your business is tough. You are aware that finding the perfect name for your business can have an impact on its success. Choosing the wrong name could not just fail to connect you with your target audience, but can also lead to insurmountable legal and business hurdles. In comparison, a powerful and clear name can go a long way in boosting your branding and marketing efforts. Therefore, it is essential for you to exercise caution and ensure that the decision of your business’s name is not made lightly, instantly or with reckless abandon.

If you don’t know where to start, here are some excellent ways to come up with unique, catchy and interesting business name ideas:

1.   Do a mash up

Choose two words that are related to your business or meaningful in some way and then make a mashup. There are various business names that are simply a combination of two words. For instance, Groupon comes from group and coupon whereas Evernote is a combination of forever and note. You can apply the same trick.

2.   Opt for foreign words

Even if your target audience is in a single region, there is no harm in choosing a foreign name for your business and it can actually become quite memorable. It will be completely different from the competition and customers are also attracted towards such original names.

3.   Use literate and mythology for inspiration

You can explore the history or literature books for some inspiration. The Roman and Greek legends have plenty to offer and you can find a world of options. You can choose a character or even go for an object or place. Lots of businesses have gotten their names this way such as Nike, which is the Goddess of victory.

4.   Mix it up

You can also come up with a perfect name for your business by trying out a combination of different words such as your name and your location. DKNY (Donna Karen New York) is a succinct example of this tactic and you can also use it.

5.   Go with your own name

If no other names are appealing, you can always stick to your own name. There are a number of renowned brands that are named after their inventors. Once excellent example is that of Boeing, which is named after William E. Boeing. Keep in mind that you might need to look for brandable domain names too for your website.

6.   Pore over the map

You can also get some excellent business name ideas from the world map and you will not be the first business to go down this route. After all, Amazon is the name of the largest river in the world by volume and Fuji is Japan’s highest mountain and they have both turned out to be very creative company names.

7.   Try out nicknames

If you don’t have any good ideas for your business’s name, you can even choose your kids’ nicknames. Do you know that Mercedes was the name of the daughter of one of the founders? It may seem strange initially, but may actually turn out to be a good name for your business.

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