What to Know about Designing Highly Effective Website Pop-Ups

What to Know about Designing Highly Effective Website Pop-Ups

Those times have long gone when websites had flashy color schemes, jam-packed text, too many decorative elements, and ugly website pop-ups jumping up every few seconds from somewhere, startling and annoying the heck out of visitors. With changing times, the strategies of conversions have also changed. Website pop-ups that are too distracting and annoys the heck out of visitors no longer work.

Here is everything you need to know in order to design highly effective website pop-ups for better conversions:

  • The style and type of your pop-up menu should be selected based on what will work for your site and for your visitors, not on what’s considered as the most popular or well known. Different types of website pop-ups include click triggered pop-ups, timed pop-ups, scroll pop-ups, entry pop-ups, and exit pop-ups. You can choose a combination of these.
  • Consider the overall composition of your popup design. View the pop-up as a whole and make sure it appears to be an extension of your site. Whatever typography you choose for your pop up, make sure it is readable and isn’t distracting. Also consider the type and quality of images that you include in your pop-up menu. It should be relevant, enticing, attention grabbing. Showcasing your products or services in the images is also a good option. Consider the overall layout of your pop-up form.
  • Color scheme of your pop-up should be enticing enough to compel visitors to take an action. Different colors are known to strike different emotions. Understand the psychology behind colors and choose the ones for your pop-up menu accordingly.
  • The actual message of your pop-up should be strong, appealing to visitor’s emotions, valuable, and brief. Create a sense of urgency in your pop-up menu to trigger the desired action by your users. Also, you can consider personalizing your pop-ups for whoever they are being displayed for, based on your visitor’s preferences and demographics. You can create custom pop-ups for different audiences. This created a more inviting experience for your website visitors.
  • Consider the placement of your pop-ups. They are not necessarily supposed to open only on top of your site’s content. You can consider other placements too. For example, you can choose to place it over on the side of the web page if you want to make users aware of your special message but at the same time, do not want to interrupt an already engaging experience. You can also keep your pop-up relegated to the very top or bottom of the site or you can even use a side-aligned pop-up. Another option would be to place it in the bottom left or right corner of the site. There are literally plenty of options to play around. However, one thing you should always ensure is to make sure that your pop-up does not completely cover the homepage upon entry. There is nothing more annoying than a forced pop-up.
  • It should offer something relevant and valuable to your target users. Give your visitors something that makes them want to subscribe to your email list. It might be an offer they can’t refuse or something that helps them achieve their goal or solve their problem. For this, you need have a clear picture of who your customers are and their major pain points.
  • It should be well-timed. Present your visitors with a great offer at the right time. A pop-up should never be shown to users as soon as they land on your homepage, let them at least figure out what is going on in your website. To set up the timing of your website pop-ups, you can use time-based triggers, such as action-based triggers, exit based, scroll-based, page-based, time-based. You should ideally use a combination of all or some of these.
  • Analyze Google’s policy concerning website pop-ups at the time of implementing a pop-up form on your site. New rules and guidelines keep coming into force. Be cautious with these guidelines to prevent Google from putting penalties on your websites because of a guideline that you may unknowingly violate.
  • Minimize as much friction as possible with your pop-up menu. Professional web development services of India make sure of this. Make it incredibly easy for your visitors to dismiss the pop-up menu. It shouldn’t be one that can’t be easily closed or minimized. Further, ensure that it loads correctly and is functional across all browsers, operating systems, and mobile devices. Also, make sure you do not show the same pop-ups to the same users withing the same web session.

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