Podcasting Endeavor Is a Must for Your Small Biz Promotion in 2018

Podcasting Endeavor Is a Must for Your Small Biz Promotion in 2018

Nowadays, people are all about multitasking, which is probably the strongest reason why the percentage of those who read is at the all-time low. After all, reading consumes all one’s senses and one’s attention, which isn’t a bad thing. Nevertheless, because of this, more and more small businesses are turning towards alternative content formats in their marketing efforts, those that can guarantee them a much better chance with millennial and teenage audiences.

Podcasting is one such format, mostly due to the fact that it is mobile-friendly and convenient for multitasking. It is also quite popular with people who have long commute to work, seeing as how it breaks the monotony of long drive, without distracting one’s eyes or attention off the road. With this in mind and without further ado, here are several other reasons why podcasting is a must for the promotion of your small business.

A chain reaction that leads to the brand loyalty

The first thing you need to understand is the fact that a podcast audience doesn’t exactly function like a standard blog audience. If a person likes your blog post, they might like, share or recommend it to a friend, yet, if a person likes your podcast, their initial reaction will probably be to retroactively go back and listen to all of the previous episodes they missed out on. You would be surprised to find out just how much podcast content people consume/need on a daily basis.

In this way, you get a basis of people you can rely on to come visit your channel as soon as that notification alert pops up or as soon as they get the chance to do so. Sure, if a traditional blog post goes viral, you can still hope for a massive boost of the traffic on your previous posts, however, this usually doesn’t happen on such a massive scale. Overall, having a single podcast reach a member of a target audience might initiate a chain reaction that leads to the brand loyalty. The reliability and scope of this reach are simply amazing.

Your content never goes to waste

Another massive advantage of podcasting lies in the fact that about 80 percent of your entire audience listens to most of each episode. In an era where 8 out of 10 people never read past the headline, this is an incredible rate, which ensures that your content never goes to waste. There are several reasons behind this, for instance, podcasts are impossible to skim, unlike text-based content or infographics. Moreover, podcasts are time fillers and as much as 22 percent of all listening happens in the car.

Apart from this, we used a previous section to discuss how new listeners are more likely to return to the old episodes, which means that perceptually, a very small portion of your entire content (not just your latest piece) remains unheard. This alone is a great incentive for any content creator, seeing as how the last thing they want is for their hard work to be skipped or skimmed through (regardless of the long-term marketing goals).

Low starting costs

The thing that interests every business owner the most is – what kind of ROI can they expect from podcasting? Well, due to the fact that starting costs are fairly low and that subsequently, you are required to pay even less, your ROI prospects look pretty great. Still, this is not something that can be done without any investment, at least not on a satisfactory level.

In order to start out your podcasting project, you need to have a proper studio. While renting out a place is a possibility, it might be a better idea to do this from your own home. Therefore, during your next consultation with a home loan specialist, make sure to make a mention of this fact. Once you have this out of the way, you need to consider the necessary equipment and efforts to soundproof the place. Overall, it might seem like a lot of work or even as a substantial investment, yet this is something you are to do only once.

The best part is, that you can then list the cost of running a studio as a business expense. In this way, you can deduct a part of your utility bill and make your ROI lean even more in your favor.

It appeals strongly to the male demographic

One of the greatest problems in the digital marketing is the issue of male demographic. Namely, with the exception of several predominantly male industries, females are generally more numerous on almost all social networks. In other words, there are more female Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, Vimeo, Twitter and Snapchat users. As for Pinterest and Flickr, the situation leans even more heavily in favor of the fairer sex. The only exception here is LinkedIn, seeing as how nowadays even Reddit mostly has the female populace.

The problem with this issue is that it means that numerous marketers have a much harder time reaching out to the male populace, which might be their primary target (again, depending on the industry). With podcasts, however, men are about 56 percent of all listeners. This means that by including podcasting to your digital marketing strategy, you finally stand a chance of reaching everyone equally.

In order to understand digital marketing, all you have to do is understand its main principle – it’s all about the user experience. This is where podcasting as a format and a technique has a competitive edge, due to the fact that it is incredibly convenient in so many different ways. Apart from this, it offers an unparalleled reliability in creating brand loyalty, as well as harnessing its full potential.

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