4 Great Tips to Help You Sleep Better

4 Great Tips to Help You Sleep Better

Sleep has an immense impact on a human’s physical and mental health and doing it properly can greatly be beneficial to your waking life. However, if you do not devote the proper time to it, it can reduce your energy and productivity.

Some people struggle to sleep well, tossing and turning on their bed, despite knowing its importance to their health. This is because they might be making certain mistakes, or are unaware of some important pieces of information that can help them sleep better. A lot of things you do or any actions you take during the time you are awake, can greatly impact the quality of sleep you get. This tells us that there are certain habits we tend to have that are not helpful to the cause.

This can be dangerous, as over time poor sleep can affect the health of your brain and heart, as well as the condition of your immune system. So, it is crucial that your get the necessary amount of sleep in appropriate conditions to keep yourself healthy. Additionally, productivity and creativity can be boosted by following a few simple steps. Some of these tips are mentioned below:

1.   Having a regular timetable

This is one of the most important strategies to help you get better sleep. You should be going to bed at regular times and do the same when waking up. This is useful in conditioning the inner clock of your body. A difference of even an hour can make you feel groggy on certain days, but a regular sleeping schedule keeps you energized and fresh.

2.   Keep a good sleeping environment

Little things such as proper ventilation or a quiet fan for sleeping can greatly affect the type of sleep you get. It is critical that the area where you sleep, is designed to provide you with the best sleep experience possible. To achieve that you should make sure that your bed is comfortable, such that the bed covers provide you room to stretch and turn, while also having proper pillow support for your neck. Temperatures should also be properly maintained and you have to be careful that the room does not get too hot or too cold. Finally, the noise levels should not be high and can be taken care of by wearing earplugs.

3.   Try and exercise in daytime

Exercising during the day can help you get better sleep at night, while also increasing the amount of time spent in deep sleep. Even going out for a walk for 10 to 15 minutes can improve sleep quality by a significant margin. Thus, taking out some time during the day to devote to exercise regularly is a good idea.

4.   Controlling the light

Screens that are bright such as smartphones and laptops should be avoided an hour before you go to sleep. Applications that reduce the intensity and color of light can be used. Similarly, television should not be used during the late hours and the room should be dark; a sleep-mask can be used as well. In case you get up during the night for a trip to the night, carry or have a dim-light installed for such situations.

Alternatively, you can consider a weighted blanket, a relatively new invention with numerous health benefits and proven to help people with sleeping issues. Amongst the benefits of a weighted blanket are a relief for insomnia, depression, PTSD and many more health conditions.

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