Ways To Make Your Agile Team Stand Out

Ways To Make Your Agile Team Stand Out

Having the latest technology solutions can be a great help in removing that which would traditionally act as a barrier to productivity. You can really help your team optimize operations by using cutting-edge cloud-based applications.

That last item can really help a given production, sales, or support team stand out. The best manual calculations will always have an element of human error. With an automated digital process, such errors can be done away with, ensuring continual accuracy. Reliable, sustainable accuracy will make any operational team positively visible.

Data Processing Strategy

Another technology trend today which a team looking to become more noticeable can’t afford to ignore is e-commerce. You need to incorporate e-commerce into conventional operational strategies because most businesses, large or small, perform transactions online and they want to be able to monitor all data related to their business. Even local brands and indie bands can set up small e-stores to sell merchandise, and then can use the data and logs to make smarter business decisions.

Imagine running a high-volume website that is run on ELB. You want to keep all that hard-earned traffic by making sure all the errors are caught on time and website is constantly being improved. In addition to automatically routing traffic across instances and Availability Zones, Amazon ELB detects unhealthy instances and reroutes traffic to the healthy instances that remain. (source: www.loggly.com/blog/quick-easy-monitoring-amazon-elb)

With each of those transactions, there’s an associated action. Finding the least expensive processing solution will save you the most money, and could even give you an edge over your competition. This will definitely make any team stand out within a given business.

Simply Put: Be The Best

Look at the numbers other teams are producing who are similarly situated to your own. How far ahead, or behind, are you? You may find that just an operational tweak here or there could put you in the statistical lead. You’ll need to know your own strengths and weaknesses, those of your teammates, and what to do about that information.

People need to be working in positions that are most amenable to success. If you’ve got a gregarious individual who can make conversation with anybody, it’s a bad idea to tuck that guy away in a role which requires no social interaction. You want individuals who are “people” persons to be involved with social interactions.

Meanwhile, if you’ve got some technician who is lousy in social situations, but can code like the craziest mechanoid dream of an android from the future, keep that guy (or gal) out of marketing meetings.

You see what the trend is? You need to play to people’s strengths. If you’re leading a team, or managing multiple teams, positions within those teams can’t be filled out based on popularity or desire. They must be filled on talent, skill, and professionalism. If you put the best people in the right positions, your team will increase in visibility and agility.

Don’t Play Politics

There are a lot of politics defining the workplace today. If you’re interested in numbers and profit, you want to avoid the political game as much as you can, regardless of contemporary trends. Remember: trends always slough off, eventually being replaced by other trends. If your company gets too bogged down in trends, you’ll become outdated.

What needs to happen is optimization based on data, not based on politics. If certain employees are good at a certain job, ensure the work they get follows those talents. If they’re not, get them fitted into the right position. But hiring and allocating positions based on som quota is going to damage you, your business, and your employees.

Encourage Teamwork

Lastly, for a team to be noticeable and lightning fast, they need to work together. Sometimes that means balancing positives and negatives such that neutrality results. Sometimes that means homogenous teams, sometimes teams must be incredibly diverse. Different teams will be better for different situations. There is some trial and error involved, but follow the numbers and you’ll find your best solutions.

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