Dan Fratu from the Fratu Foundation Unlocks the DNA of Kids of the Future

Dan Fratu from the Fratu Foundation Unlocks the DNA of kids of the Future

Many of us want our kids to be Citizens of the World , without limitations, open to all the possibilities with global mindset, at the same time adaptive and sensible to local trends.

Picking up the best from different cultures and creatively integrating them.

Freely revealing their potential in highly complex ever-changing environment. Beneficially going from ME to  WE and back…

Do such kids exists? If yes, what’s really in their hearts and minds? What is the price for being in such state of mind?

The Fratu Foundation aims to conduct a research about kids who grow up between the Cultures, who lived more in one country – so called Third Culture Kids ( TKS), or Cross-cultural kids.  

Why we should pay attention to these “strange”, non-typical kids?

First, they are not so rare as before. TCKs are becoming a significantly large group within society. Now there are already millions of them, and their percentage is constantly growing.

Second, we believe that by studying these kids we can get a lot of clues for better world and better future.

According to Dan Fratu from the Fratu Foundation this children will have a strong impact on future society ,particularly on areas of education, business and politics.

These kids are alive examples of cultural intelligence, of blending cultures from “within”.

They naturally, in many cases intuitively,  acquire global mindset and high degree of adaptability to complex and ever changing systems. Qualities that are so valuable for global leaders.

Third, by studying TCK we aim to help themselves to be more conscious of their strengths and help them benefit communities around. We wish it would help them to open up their challenges and build healthy self-identity” – according to Dan Fratu

The Fratu Foundation will use On this Stage qualitative in-depth methods for deeper understanding: interviews with kids and parents, projective techniques, psychological and neuropsychological assessments.


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