Common Web Design Myths Not to Believe

Common Web Design Myths Not to Believe

The world of web design is ever-changing. While this can be great for website owners who want to be unique and really catch the eye of potential clients, for a web designer, it can be a bit of a hassle to keep everything straight.

Because there’s so much information out there when it comes to website design, it is only natural that there is some misinformation that can be easy to believe. To ensure you are creating the best websites you can, here are some common web design myths to not believe.

Myth: more is better

This can’t be more untrue. When it comes to website design, less is better. It can be tempting for designers to add more and more features to make the website pop, but in reality, these features are overwhelming to readers and can cause the website to crash.

Additionally, the more features you have, the less potential customers will be able to see and experience your primary message. You don’t want your vision, your content, and your brand to go unseen, so keep features to a bare minimum. Any website design in Orlando should be simple and clear.

Myth: stock photography is a safe bet

Some designers feel that stock photos are safe to use, as they are typically very easy to find and can be relevant to what you are advertising. However, this isn’t true, as overly-posed, overused stock photos can show insincerity.

The last thing any company wants is for their prospective clients to think they are not genuine. And the best way to look genuine is to show actual photos of the people and services behind the brand. Use your scenic Florida surroundings to your advantage, and stay away from stock photos at all costs.

Myth: content is king on the homepage

While yes, it is incredibly important to have content on your homepage, there is such a thing as too much. More than about 300 words on a homepage can drown out your features. The whole point of the homepage is to show a streamlined sneak-peek into the rest of your website.

You’ll want to introduce your brand, show your motto or vision statement, and describe a few other key characteristics your customers should know straight away. But if you really want to go into detail, make an “about us” page where you can put as much content as you’d like.

Myth: an excellent homepage is all that matters

Again, an excellent homepage is the goal of all web designers. However, if you forget about all the other pages, then your website is useless to customers. This includes product description pages, company bios, and even the checkout page.

A good website developer will create every single page with the same gusto as a homepage, in order to create a website that really pops.

Myth: one size fits all

Nowadays, everyone has at least two internet-enabled devices on them at all times. Most designers know the importance of having a website that is responsive for mobile, but most forget the fact that not all mobile devices are the same. There are tablets, e-readers, and smartphones that all need to be accounted for.

So just because it works on your computer and cell phone, that doesn’t mean the design will transfer seamlessly to all other mobile devices. It will be worth the extra time to launch the website when you are ensuring it is perfect.

When it comes to web design, you can never be too careful with all the misinformation that’s available. So to bypass these, make sure to work with local website design companies to really ensure your website is as perfect as it can be.

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