Channel Your Inner Rockstar: 10 Easy Ways to Improve Your Work Performance

Channel Your Inner Rockstar: 10 Easy Ways to Improve Your Work Performance

Disengaged employees cost companies $550 billion each year. That’s a lot of people who have mentally checked out while on the job. The good news is that this fact makes it easier for you to stand out and become a rockstar at work. 

So what can you do to improve your work performance? You need to boost your productivity and get more done in the same amount of time. 

We have ten tips to help you strategically become more productive during your workday. 

1. Take Regular Breaks 

We know your first reaction is to argue and say this is counterproductive. However, taking regular short breaks throughout your workday actually boosts your productivity. Continuously working non-stop for hours creates mental exhaustion and decision fatigue. 

To take a productive break, get up, and move. You should also change your environment. Both these activities boost circulation and energize your brain. 

2. Plan Your Day the Night Before 

Do you ever plan what you are going to wear tomorrow? Try it and see how much faster it is to get ready in the morning. You can use this same strategy with your work schedule. 

Creating and organizing a to-do list the night before will help you stay focused and organized. It also enables you to hit the ground running in the morning; which sets the pace for the day. 

3. Eat the Frog First

Don’t worry; this strategy doesn’t require you to actually eat a frog. It’s inspired by a Mark Twain saying that speaks about starting your day by eating a frog because nothing can be worse throughout the rest of your day. 

Use this lesson when approaching your workday. Start your day out with the one task you are least looking forward to. This is the task that will cause you to procrastinate. 

Once you get this task done, you’ll feel motivated and energized to conquer the rest of your day. 

4. Stop Trying to Multi-Task 

Everyone wants to think that they can multi-task. The truth is that most of us can’t. The human brain isn’t wired to effectively multi-task. 

Studies even prove that trying to multi-task can reduce your productivity by up to 40%. Jumping back and forth between tasks limits your focus and your ability to be productive. It also increases your mental fatigue and stress. 

Divide your day into blocks of time. During each block, you focus on one task. 

5. Try the Two Minute Rule 

If you have a task that can get done in two minutes, do it now. The theory is that if you wait, that two-minute task will take longer to get done later. You will feel more productive when you can check a bunch of tasks off of your list. 

Tasks that fall into this two-minute category are things like making your bed, checking your voicemails, washing the dishes, or answering email. 

6. Prevent Digital Distraction 

This one is a challenge as we are surrounded by more and more technology every day. The average person will spend five years of their life on social media. People spend on average about half an hour a day on Facebook or 40 minutes a day on YouTube. 

Prevent digital distraction by turning off notifications or put your phone on silent. You can also put restrictors on your internet to prevent you from browsing social sites. 

7. Get Productive During Your Commute 

How many hours do you spend commuting every week? What do you usually do during this time? If you take public transportation, you can use this time to learn something new, or read a book, or brush up on industry news. 

If you drive, look for audio tools that won’t distract from your driving. You could start listening to podcasts or books on tape. You could even learn a new language. 

8. Improve Communication with the Team

When you can communicate effectively with your co-workers, you can get more done. Effective communication is the key to staying productive when multiple departments need to work together.

Try scheduling weekly or daily meetings with the team to give everyone a chance to collaborate. You can read on here about how you can improve communication in your department. 

When your co-workers communicate with you, then you have the tools and information you need to get your job done. 

9. Get Enough Sleep Every Night

Adults need to get seven to nine hours of sleep every night. Most people don’t get anywhere near enough sleep. This leads to feeling sluggish and foggy-brained. 

When you don’t get enough sleep, your efficiency reduces, and you’re more likely to make mistakes. On the other hand, getting enough sleep will boost your creativity, improve memory, and reduce your stress. 

10. Organize Your Workspace 

People who keep their workspace organized tend to be more productive. Having clutter distracts your brain from focusing on the task at hand and process new information. This extra stress will cause your brain to fatigue quicker. 

Organize your space and feel the metaphorical weight lift. Start by removing non-essential items. Then find a proper place for everything. 

To keep yourself organized, do a quick tidy-up at the end of each day. Then do more thorough organizing at the end of each week. 

Improve Your Work Performance

Try these ten tips to improve your work performance and become a rockstar in your office. Start the night before by planning your day and getting enough sleep. This will set you up for a great day tomorrow. 

Then in the morning, start with the worst task possible and get it out of the way. This will motivate you to power through those two-minute tasks. 

Finally, complete your day by wrapping things up and tidying up. 

Check out the business section of our blog for the best tips to succeed in your career.


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