Top 10 Traits Needed to Become an Effective Leader

Top 10 Traits Needed to Become an Effective Leader

So you’ve been put into a leadership position but you aren’t sure if you’re an effective leader? Successful leaders are the people behind the organization who have the vision of success and accomplishment for themselves and their team.  

Some people are born successful leaders and others need to adapt and learn along the way. Either way, you can use some training to shape yourself into becoming the best leader possible.  

Keep reading for the top ten traits needed to become an effective leader. 


One of the best traits of an effective leader is one who can lead by example. If you’re not willing to get down and do the nitty-gritty work, then you’re not going to be a good leader. Everyone starts somewhere and showing your team or employees that you aren’t afraid to do something will work wonders.  

As a leader, you set the tone for your group so you want to show them how to be helpful and give feedback in a positive way. Many people are good followers and they need a good leader to truly strive for the best. 

SetUpGood Communication 

You need to know when to talk and when to listen. A good leader is a person who can listen and take advice from their team members. In your workplace, you want to be able to set up effective communication in your team or organization. 

When you’re a leader there are many different types of communication you will be doing. You will need to be able to communicate one on one as well as to your entire staff. You will want to be able to effectively communicate what your goal is and the task of each employee.  

A leader will also need to be a good communicator when it comes to phone calls, emails, and social media. Make sure you are approachable so your team can come to you with any questions or concerns they may have. 

Be Able to Manage and Motivate Yourself

As a leader, you may not have someone who is looking out for you so you will need to be able to manage yourself. Make sure you can prioritize your goals and set up a schedule that works for you. You need to be able to complete all of your tasks while also setting aside the time to work with your staff.  

Motivating yourself goes along with managing yourself because you need to be able to get your work done while also trying to create personal connections. 

Hold Yourself Accountable

By being an effective leader you need to hold yourself accountable and responsible for any mistakes that you may have caused. Because of this, you are also able to hold others responsible for their mistakes. Effective leaders don’t just brush mistakes off on someone else but are there to fix and avoid them in the future.  

You will also need to make sure to enforce the rules for your employees as well as yourself. Letting one or two things slide will make it seem like you don’t care about enforcing and following the rules that were set up for a reason. 

Be Confident

Confidence is key when it comes to many different aspects of life and especially being a leader. You always need to be confident when making decisions or explaining a procedure. If you lack confidence, then your team members may also lack confidence in following you.  

You also need to figure out how to balance being confident. People don’t like it when a person is overconfident because that comes off as being arrogant. 

Decision Making Skills

When you’re a leader you will often be required to make many different decisions, sometimes at least a dozen a day. You need to make sure that you have good decision-making skills. Making a quick decision is something that you will learn how to do overtime but if you observe other leaders and see how they make decisions that can help you. 


Make sure that you are finding your focus especially when you’re a leader. There are many different things that can contribute to your distractions but you need to avoid them.  

Sometimes planning in advance can help you figure out what you need to be focused on. Planning your day, week, month, or even year can help you focus on the bigger picture and get the job done. 

Continue to Learn

To be a good leader you should constantly be learning and ready to adapt when new tasks come your way. Knowing your industry inside and out is a great way to be a good leader. You want to be able to train new employees and help anyone along the way.  

You should want to keep learning about all the products or services your company has to offer but also keep up with new things that are coming to your company. 


Empathy for a leader means that they understand the feelings of their team members as well as their customers or clients. They also know when to give praise as well as criticism. When problems arise they know how to discuss it with their team members usually in private. 

A leader who does not know how to show empathy will look cold and harsh to their team members or organization. With no empathy, you may seem untrustworthy and not someone that your team can confide in if need be. 

Promote Productivity and Happiness

A happy workplace is a productive workplace. Make sure you’re getting to know your employees and customers so they will do the same with each other. Look for details on how you can make your workplace a happier environment.  

Being a leader gives you the freedom to help employees in any way you see fit. So bringing in snacks or bagels in the morning is a great way to promote productivity in the workplace and make your team a bit happier.  

Successful Leaders Come in Different Packages 

You may notice that not all successful leaders are exactly the same. It takes time and practice to figure out the best way to become an effective leader. You just need to see what works for you and your team.  

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