QA All the Way: The Importance of QA Testing

QA All the Way: The Importance of QA Testing

Companies are dealing with higher standards each year to meet quality assurance expectations. CDProjekt Red’s stock began plummeting 22% after the game’s release due to game-breaking bugs.

Companies must uphold QA testing standards to ensure product quality. This guide will show you the importance of introducing QA testing to your future projects.

Quality Assurance Testing

Quality Assurance is a somewhat umbrella term for checking the quality of a product. This blanket term covers the process of managing and checking all the systems.

As a company develops a product, they need to prevent various errors from occurring. This process weaves itself throughout the entirety of the development process.

These operations can begin in the pre-production phase of a product. It can also continue into the actual development process and through post-release.

Quality Assurance can also help internal management by having continual quality checks. Companies can schedule various quality assurance testing strategies as a fail-safe.

What is QA Testing

The process that reacts to the defective bugs and problems is what is known as Quality Control. The development team and QA testers run processes to identify these issues.

The development team upholds these standards by completing these runs. By testing, they can verify if the product meets the needs of the company.

Testing is the core of the Quality Assurance process. Various processes are run to help identify glitches and bugs. Once the team collects all errors they can begin testing.

QA Engineers

Some projects require a massive amount of time to test. The sheer size of a project may require entire roles dedicated to testing.

Developers may conduct these tests but oftentimes they need assistance. Since a large amount of time is required to test, teams may hire QA testers and engineers.

These tests involve cross-checking the code. In units, the team will deconstruct and run tests or patch various aspects of the code.

This changes when developers have a smaller budget or team. Sometimes only the developers can test code themselves without any help. This can lead to setbacks or not implementing features.

Programmers can be burnt out from the intensity of a project. So, the code can have errors that are not noticeable. This is why it is important to hire extra hands with similar skill sets.

Some developers have the ability to proof their own code and meet deadlines. But, many projects need this extra help to meet their quality expectations.

Developers & Engineers

QA engineers must understand what to do to help identify these bugs. So, this form of testing requires a different skill set.

QA engineers and testers must be able to consolidate their testing. Testers must record their data inconsistency. This quality control is consistent throughout the development process.

In all stages of production, testers must collect data on every corner of a project. Some testers spend close to 180 hours within a week and a half testing different systems.

The relationship between developers and engineers is changing due to new workplace regulations. There is now a more healthy coexistence in their workflows. Developers will check their work while engineers provide a more extensive check.

Software Development Process

Some projects require hard locks or HL’s. These HL’s determine a deadline for when a developer needs to finish a project.

Developers and designers may lose time working on the main features when testing. This may cut into the responsibilities that are set for the hard lock.

Shipping a product at a set deadline will become the priority. Developers want to beat the market. Companies want to avoid a longer development process.  A longer production process means more overtime and processing fees.

Productions are given a set budget by management. They must utilize the funds given to them. It can also ruin a company’s reputation if they experience severe glitches.

Cybersecurity & Breaching Protocol

In recent news, a Facebook glitch leaked data of over 500 million Facebook user accounts. Users without two-factor authentication were not able to recover their accounts.

So, this means that casual users may never return due to their inability to manage their information. The distrust between the company and its users continues to dwindle due to cybersecurity and technical errors. These errors compromise the privacy of their users.

Without testing cybersecurity, hackers found weak points in the systems. Testing this code could save hundreds of data leaks.

Several gaming companies such as Nintendo and Playstation were once vulnerable to data leaks. Users’ credit card and banking information were stolen on a massive level.

If casual users can breach protocol, there can be liability cases against the company. Any type of suspicious activity can spill into other departments such as banking information. Certain agencies like can provide dependable quality assurance testing.

These safety measures go beyond saving a company’s profit. Major bugs and data leaks can hinder the safety of the community.

In Europe, rules and regulations are set in place to protect civilians from company negligence. The General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR standards continue to uphold these safety regulations.

Companies must report to and adhere to this agency. They can be shut down if their QA Control does not meet the testing laws. If not, there is a possibility of receiving a big citation.

QA Testing

There is no such thing as a perfect system. But, with continual quality assurance testing companies can decrease the risk of data mishaps.

The cost need of a QA specialist can outweigh the potential hazards from vulnerability. Companies must understand the importance of QA testing to protect themselves. Check out our blog for more information on QA testing and how to protect your data.


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