One of the most important skills that should be present in every individual for achieving success in not just schools, but society as well is reading. Learning to read, and do it well, is extremely important for every individual. Even a person’s performance in Mathematics can be directly connected to their reading performance. Therefore, it is essential to develop early reading abilities and skills in children, which they will carry into childhood. If they acquire this talent in the formative years, their ability to learn and excel in other subjects will also be enhanced. But, in order to accomplish this goal, the best program should be used.
This is exactly what people will find in K12 reading software. This particular program provides teachers and parents the tools that they need for preparing a child to become a skilled and independent reader. This is the first step that can be taken towards an education and knowledge for a lifetime. One of the primary reasons why this particular reading software has gained popularity amongst people is because it is based on the firsthand experience and years of reading research, enabling it to be successful and effective in its goal.
The K12 reading program is designed for children and can be useful for helping them in recognizing the relationship between letters and sounds. It can teach them how to blend the sounds into letters in order to form words. Children will also be able to spell and read unfamiliar and longer words by separating them into syllables. Students are also taught how to read ‘sight’ words that aren’t in accordance with the spelling patterns taught to them such as ‘was’ or ‘said’. Multisensory instruction is also incorporated into the K12 reading software for children. These are lesson activities where children are allowed to touch, speak, move and listen.
This form of instruction is provided to the students with the help of a tile kit containing letters in different combinations for representing sounds. This tile kit is used in a number of fun activities that are a combination of tactile, auditory, oral and visual learning. With this kit, children are able to understand how speech is shown in print. The program is a comprehensive and complete one as it comes with a proper training video, along with the tile kit. Teachers can also find lesson plans and answer keys to assessments. There are also student pages that comprise of games, practice pages and assessments.
Apart from these factors, programs like K12 reading software and offer don’t just improve the phonic and reading skills of young ones, but also assist them in developing a lot of others. Children are able to enhance their vocabulary, they are able to develop the reading-writing connection and don’t have trouble in dealing with comprehensions, a problem that’s widespread in those that don’t have reading abilities. These programs are quite affordable and can help teachers and parents in teaching children understanding and grasping the concepts of reading quickly and effectively.