Making Waves: Rethinking Your Print Marketing Strategy

While many businesses are ramping up their digital marketing campaigns, most are still relying on print marketing initiatives to promote their business, organization, or special event. Marketing via print is a great way to tap into your local market with personable strategies that are apt to appeal to most demographics. If you are looking for ways to improve your print marketing strategy, the following ideas can help.

Give Them Something

If your business is going to a trade show or even setting up shop at a local farmers market, be sure to print some business cards on magnetic sheets. Customers love magnets and they will be more likely to hold onto your card if it’s magnetized. You can use these sheets with your office printer. Make sure you have plenty of ink, which you can purchase affordably from and make sure you always have a supply of magnetic business cards to hand out at special events.

Eye-Catching Envelopes

You can grab potential customers’ attention by creating stylishly personalized mailings. For example, use vintage-style envelopes and print out your customers’ names using a retro-style font. Choose colored envelopes that are sure to stand out from other types of mail like bills! You might try sending special coupons to sales events or inviting your regular customers to take part in a pre-holiday season sales event.

Informative Brochures

Even though your customers might be able to download your company or product brochure from your website, it’s actually more convenient sometimes for them to just pull out your brochure from their desk or wherever they stored it. You can print essential product and warranty information that makes it easy for customers to find out the thing they need to know about your company and its offerings.

Insist on High-Quality Images

When you’re printing flyers or brochures, make sure that your images are first-rate. Using low-grade photographs, for instance, can make your company seem amateurish and not as professional as other businesses. Great images can convey important messages to your clients or customers and also grab their attention.

Print Coupons and Special Offers

Many customers still prefer to present print coupons to businesses that offer them. It can take too long to located digitally stored coupons and many people have suffered the frustration that happens when a business informs them that they don’t accept digital coupons. A slick and snazzy-looking coupon is like cash in the hand, so be sure to create eye-catching coupons for your next sales campaign.

Print marketing is an important element for many businesses, so be sure to take time to craft your marketing campaign. With affordable supplies, you company can do quite a bit of printing in-house, which is sure to save it some money. When you employ creativity to tried-and-true print mediums like business cards, you’ll find that potential customers will take notice. So gather your marketing team together and start working on these and other ideas to ramp up your print marketing initiatives.

John Sollars is a business owner of many years. When he gets the time, he likes to sit down and share what has worked for him. Look for his informative posts on a number of websites and blogs today.

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