If you are fresh out of college you may think that the first job hunt boils down to sending CV to any and every perspective company and waiting to be summoned for an interview. Without the intention of bursting your bubble, you must become aware of the fact that finding a job is not as easy as clicking on your keyboard and sending out resumes; it entails serious research and leg work. Before you even begin searching and applying for jobs, there are many miles to walks and several preparatory steps to take in order to be taken seriously and considered for a position.
Creating a winning CV
Creating a CV is more than just entering basic information on you and your educational background. First and foremost you need to think hard and remember all the things you have done during the course of your life – volunteer work, freelancing – basically anything that will show that you have done something before. Next in line is great design; the power of aesthetically pleasing resume cannot be emphasized enough. There are amazing templates you can find online, some of them free and that require purchasing. Whichever route you take, make sure the design is polished and professional-looking. If you are looking for jobs in companies that are in the creative line of work, it would be best to think outside the box and create an original CV, such as these amazing ones that range from a milk carton CV to a chocolate bar.
Establish web presence
Even though you do not have any previous working experience, make sure you are seen. Even if the profile is just a bare-bones list of where you attend high school and college, your extra-curricular activities, including awards or accolades, what you see as your skills, and a summary of the sort of career that may interest you, creating a LinkedIn profile is always a good idea. One of the additional benefits of being a part of this platform is the opportunity to connect with peers and former professors; people who know you might be able to connect you with potential employers and even write recommendations and endorsements for your listed skills. Having a great mentor can also work greatly to your advantage. Send off emails to the people who work in your dream companies and ask if they will meet with you. If you get one mentor, it can change everything for youFinally, when the day comes that someone notices your resume, the fact that you have a LinkedIn profile will create a perception of seriousness and professionalism. Aside from this platform, it will not hurt to have your own website or blog. You can write posts on topics that are related to your field of professional interest, or that of a personal one.
Seek help
If you are not certain that your particular educational background has provided you with enough knowledge and skills for your desired occupation, do not waste any time before you turn to professionals who can help you on your path. One of such organizations is Premium Graduate; an organization that provides integrated learning opportunities and coaching in skills that you need in order to be successful in your field. When in doubt, always look for further help and guidance of those who are in the know and who can help you gain theoretical and practical professional experience, so once you enter the business world, you will feel like a fish in the sea. Other sources of help can be your school’s career services office. In the best-case scenario, the office will connect you with an alum who works in your field of interest who will help you get a job.
Do your homework
Once you do get a response from a company and schedule an interview, make sure you go loaded with knowledge. Learn everything you can about the company, browse the web for the most frequent interview questions and make sure you have a great answer to all of them. Visit forums; learn about the do’s and don’ts when it comes to the answers, body language and everything else that counts during an interview. Be positive, modest but confident. Dress for the job you want – do some research on the dress code and find attire that will make the best possible first impression. Work on your posture, your handshake, practice every little detail, and when the day comes, stay as focused and as calm as you can.
Once you get there
Once the dream is fulfilled and you have landed your first job, you need to make sure you make the right impression in order to succeed in the future. Follow Forbes’ tips on how to successfully survive your first days, how to interact with your co-workers and superiors, what mistakes to avoid, etc. You might have gotten in, but this is just the beginning, real success is not in getting a job but keeping one and thriving. Good luck.
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