How Does Google Page Rank Change the Meaning of SEO In 2018?

How Does Google Page Rank Change the Meaning of SEO In 2018?

Google has changed over the years the various factors it takes into account when ranking websites on its SERPs. What this means is that out of the total 250 factors that matter in SEO today, some matter more than others. Google keeps coming up with more advanced factors that will help Google find the most relevant content for you on the web. When Google first started off, its rankings were solely based on Google Page Rank. Google Page Rank is the benchmark algorithm used by Google during its time. What is more, it is still in use. However, there are other factors that have added in it to form modern SEO but it still holds tremendous respect.

What is Google Page Rank?

Google Page Rank was introduced by Larry Page. He named it after himself. The algorithm is solely based on the concept of rankings based on the total number and quality of links associated with a web page. If you are unaware of the link building concept in SEO, don’t worry because we shall discuss it in the next sections. Visit here to evaluate your page rank;

For now, remember that Google Page Rank takes into account the following two thinks when ranking your page on search engine results:

  • The quantity of links associated with your website

What is link building in SEO?

In SEO, websites gain rankings by interacting with each other. It may sound weird at first but as you grasp the concept of it, you should be able to realize how common it its. When working in the field of SEO, you need to create an image in front of not only the search engines but also in front of the websites that are working with you. Think of it Google’s way of forming communities. Link building is when a website mentions a link to your website on their website. This is done for multiple reasons. It may be that the publisher added a blog post and wants to add further information on that for the viewers so they add a link to your web page with similar information. When you are collaborating with a website to generate guest content, you receive back links. These links direct traffic to your website.

Google is a hub for images. When you use someone’s images on your blog, you add a link to the original image as well. This is done to avoid plagiarism and give proper credits to the owner of the content. You are also informing the owner about the use of the image by you. In all these cases, no website would want to add a link to a website that is spam. They must see something in the website when linking because they are not really gaining a lot in terms of SEO rankings when adding a link to your website. When that happens, Google takes it as a vote whenever a link is added to your website.

Quantity matters, but so Does quality

In SEO, when you are working to improve your link building, a lot of people tend to focus on just numbers. They try to find a lot of links through various techniques as we shall discuss in the next sections. But the quantity will not make a difference if quality of links is bad. Quality of the links refers to the overall rankings of that website, the links associated with it and its content. The better the website that is referring, the more there is a chance that your website is credible. So don’t give up quality for the sake of quantity. 3- 5 links should be good per month if you are receiving them credible sources. When the sources are not credible, Google does not consider those links in rankings. So make sure you are balancing this on both sides.

How to improve your SEO rankings through Google Page Rank?

If you want to improve your rankings through Google Page Rank, you will have to focus on the quality and quantity of links associated with your website. What this means is that the total links associated with your website should have a fine quality and should qualify for better rankings. Even though Google Page Rank is not the only SEO algorithm in 2018, but it holds huge value for search engine results today as well. Here is how you can do it.

You can start with guest blogging. In guest blogging, you have two websites come together. One is the publisher website and the other is the website that provides the content. The content is published on the publisher website. It is titled as a guest post. The guest writer receives two back links to his or her website. The publisher website gets to receive traffic and generate revenue. In some cases, websites share this revenue with the guest writer. This is a great way to find websites that are credible. Remember to only work with websites that are operating in your niche. If you want to receive back links, you should be the guest writer in this situation. Guest writers receive back links in the authors section and in the beginning of the blog post. When you are gaining traffic from the publisher website, you want to make sure that the website has traffic that will stick to your website.

The images that people take off the internet and share on their blogs will qualify for plagiarism if the links are not added to the owners of the content. One deliberate technique used in SEO is to create graphic content and share it on your blog. When this content is shown in results, people tend to use these images on their websites. You receive back links through it.

Everything in the SEO comes down to content. If you simply start working on the overall content of your blog, you should be good to go. What this means that if your content has fine quality, people would automatically want to add a link to your content on their websites. All the SEO techniques come after the content.


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