Could Blockchain Email Systems Bring About the Age of Secure Emails?

Could Blockchain Email Systems Bring About the Age of Secure Emails?

Believe it or not, email technology is almost 50 years old at this point. And, unsurprisingly given its origins, it was never designed to meet the security standards of our current age. Just remember the historic data breach at Yahoo, and you’ll quickly come to a realization that we’re dealing with nearly obsolete technology.

Fortunately, as showcased in the blockchain disruption infographic, this technology could also bring a revolution in the email marketing field.

Could Blockchain Email Systems Bring About the Age of Secure Emails?

If implemented, blockchain email systems would enable us to prove the authenticity of communications and transactions done via electronic messages. It would also facilitate a plethora of other benefits email systems never really had before.

The Promise Behind Blockchain-based Email Systems

Emails demand high security because they are essentially a gateway into our lives. We use them to exchange professional and private messages, keep all of our contacts there, use them to store sensitive information, etc. The bottom line is that we need to keep them secure, but, as things currently stand, we’re not in a position where we can guarantee email safety.

This is where blockchains, which were designed to deal with issues of precisely that nature, come into play.

If we were to start inserting whole emails in an encrypted way inside the blockchain, we would indisputably know who sent an email, at what time, with what content and to whom. This would mean that we would never again need to question email authenticity as the entire process of sending and receiving messages would become fully transparent and trustworthy. Consequently, we would get a completely transparent decentralized email system.

And, thanks to the magic of blockchains, there would be no central point that stores messages, meaning no one could steal or even submit a request for private data. Only two parties, the sender and the receiver, would have access to a piece of data, while the mere existence of an email within the blockchain would be sufficient evidence of its authenticity.

Furthermore, a blockchain email system would not need usernames and passwords (which are, since we’re on the subject, another risky and borderline obsolete system). Instead, decentralized emails would be accessed through biometric scans, specifically either through finger or face scans, which would make the entire email industry more secure than ever.

What Decentralized Mail Infrastructures Could Mean for Digital Marketing

Having utterly secure blockchain email systems would also have a massive impact on digital marketing. More specifically, the way marketers use email marketing as a communication channel.

Whenever they would use emails to promote services or products, they would basically be handed complete info on how many users received the email and how many of them opened it. If they’re not getting answers but know that the emails have been opened, they’d know something is wrong with either the offer or content and that they need to switch tactics.

As things currently stand, although there are many advanced cold outreach marketing tools, digital marketers have no way of knowing for sure. Instead, they are forced to “shoot in the dark” when it comes to email marketing.

The Sooner the Better

Just about any industry out there that relies on exchanging digital data to some extent stands to benefit from blockchain email systems that are both transparent and secure.

Unfortunately, the frequency and the magnitude of email hackings and scams is at 400 business per day, so a move toward more secure email systems should be as swift as possible.

We hope to get to that point sooner rather than later.


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