Happy Employees, Happy Business: How to Create a Positive Work Culture

Happy Employees, Happy Business: How to Create a Positive Work Culture

Two-thirds of employees feel disengaged at work.

The reason for this may have little to do with the raises they aren’t getting. In fact, there is only a slight relationship between money and job satisfaction.

It seems that supervisors who are ill-equipped to manage individuals are the main reason so many workers feel unappreciated. These bosses are promoted due to their impressive productivity as employees. Yet they do not have the know-how to be leaders managing a variety-pack of personalities and temperaments.

How can you build a positive work culture that will keep your employees happy, satisfied, and productive?

Here are some ideas.

1. Be A Good Role Model

Employees who are disengaged at work have been proven to have more absenteeism, errors, accidents, and defects. They are less productive, not as profitable, and more likely to have a lower rate of job growth.

By contrast, motivated employees are highly productive, and their job growth is flourishing. Leader kindness and generosity have been proven to be good indicators of whether or not your team will be inspired. There is a strong relationship between employees who feel valued at work and those who say they have a strong company culture.

The companies named Best Places to Work see a lot of success. They tend to have positive company cultures where employees feel respected and appreciated.

It is important to model responsible behavior as a leader. You will want to exemplify the kind of accountability, motivation, and diligence you hope to see in your employees.

Don’t let your employees see you making excuses when there is a problem. Own your part, and work with others to find a solution.

Create a culture where folks feel comfortable making mistakes and moving on from them. Your staff should be willing to pitch ideas and solutions without fear of being reprimanded. Make sure they can see that you are not deterred by an idea that is poorly received, and that you are eager to hear the feedback of all members of your staff.

You will want to be seen as a mentor who is an example of best business practices. Give your staff friendly pointers and let them know how good practices can help them succeed. Allow your staff to learn by watching you work, and you will gain their respect without incurring any resentment.

2. Communicate

Your staff will become quickly frustrated if they are reprimanded for not being productive when you haven’t given them practical ways to improve in the first place.

It is important that your communication with your staff is upbeat, and that you are confident in their abilities to become even stronger. You will want to provide clear, attainable goals and have regular meetings where you are giving clear feedback.

Be sure to start with a positive statement before giving any constructive criticism. You should also end on a good note, reassuring your employee of your confidence in their ability to improve.

Your staff should not be afraid to come to you when there is a problem. Allow them to feel like they can talk to their managers without fear of retribution.

3. Take Care of Your Employees

It is important to treat your staff the way you would want to be treated. You want to show your staff that you care about how well they and their families are taken care of.

These are great ways to attract the best employees, give your company a competitive advantage, and keep them coming back each year. You want to be the type of workplace where workers want to stay and not just a company where they gain the right experience before moving on.

Some employee benefits shown to boost morale are health insurance, vacation and paid time off, 401K plans, dental insurance, and sick days.

Asking employees how they are feeling after a sick day may seem like a formality, but they will appreciate your concern for their well-being. While you may not want to be seen as too chummy, it is important to communicate that employees’ personal well-being is a priority to you as well as them.

4. Have Some Fun

Laughter has been proven to reduce boredom as well as boost engagement and a sense of well-being. It releases endorphins and contributes to stress reduction.

While you shouldn’t run around telling jokes all day long, it is important for your employees to feel that it is okay to have fun sometimes. It will humanize you and make your workplace more of a desirable place to be.

If you are looking for a way to make your staff feel more connected personally as well as professionally, try these team building tools.

5. Be Generous With Praise

Some unmotivated employees may simply be suffering from a lack of appreciation. They may feel that their best and most polished work is going unrecognized in spite of their best efforts.

You may be noticing good work all the time without giving it proper recognition. You may be genuinely pleased or impressed by the extra time an employee is taking to research something or to provide a unique perspective. In these cases, a simple verbal expression of your appreciation will go a long way toward keeping them engaged.

Building a Positive Work Culture

A positive work culture is about more than just a good benefits package. Be sure that your employees feel valued and respected. They will be eager to produce more quality work and help to build a productive company.

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