Decide Whether To Repair Or Replace The Commercial Rooftop Air Conditioning Units

Decide Whether To Repair Or Replace The Commercial Rooftop Air Conditioning Units

The commercial rooftop air conditioning units have been serving over 70 percent of all the different commercial floor spaces in Australia. This can be equated to around 40 billion square feet. In order to make this possible, these rooftop air conditioners consume a large amount of energy than any other kind of cooling or heating technology out there. These machines create very small footprint with a lightweight design and gives enormous structural support to properties in terms of high-end heating, cooling, and ventilation services.

At times the weather taxes can age the air conditioning system making the decision for a repair for the old unit or a replacement seems daunting. Most of the light commercial rooftop air conditioning units have a life expectancy of around 20 years. Careful examination of each and every element of the equipment is needed for reaching out for a decision about repairs or replacement of the entire system. In this regard, you need to hire trained professionals to examine your air conditioning units properly.

Repair or replace? How to Decide?

  • Analysing the history – In order to make a decision whether to repair or replace commercial rooftop air conditioning units, you need to examine your rooftop air conditioning system by experts. The entire history of the equipment must be examined covering all the records related to the inguinal equipment, maintenance, and repair related history as well. This information is to be analyzed. You can check the service contract to avail such information. They can help make a genuine valuation of the air conditioning and help you in the decision-making process about the repair or the replacement. The model number, manufacturer details, site reference number, warranty data, and maintenance related agreements must be checked, and you can discuss the same with the expert to know more.
  • Equipment inspection The commercial rooftop air conditioning unit must be inspected with the assistance of a qualified technician. The condition of the outer and internal parts, coils, the existence of dirt, debris of physical damages must be inspected by an expert to evaluate its current condition. An expert can assess all the maintained data, repair calls, and review the heating and cooling areas, airflow assessment, and temperature fluctuation of the air conditioning system with their advanced tools.
  • Review all the data you gathered – During the evaluation, a mindset to review every data and information you dig up about your current commercial rooftop air conditioning unit is important to be developed. Reviewing the information helps you understand and also get the confirmation whether you continue with your old unit with just minor repairs or you want to replace your old air conditioning system with a new one. Moreover, aged units will also not fetch much resale value. Hence at some point of time, you have to make the crucial decision of giving up the old one and get decent value and put the money towards a new one which will last you another ten or more years.

So finally, at the end of entire in-depth research about an air conditioning unit, you will perhaps make your decision whether to fix it or change it. You can get in touch with your dealer who can help you dispose of the old commercial rooftop air conditioning unit and give you discounts or free installation on the new ones. Manufacturers prefer retaining their old customers and these can be excellent opportunities for you to bag a great lucrative deal. In this regard, you can search new rooftop air conditioning units online and choose the best.

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