How Technology Is Affecting Our Relationships

How Technology Is Affecting Our Relationships

Technology has made our lives so easy and enjoyable that today with the comfort of home we can almost do anything. The Internet has given us the benefits to connect the entire world, yet the advancement of technology makes us forget to connect those people whom we share a special bond of relationship.

Thanks to the Internet, who made us today what are we meant to be. Also, give us the ability to less connect with the people whom we share the same roof. Most of the times it happens, two people living under the same roof, could not get the chance to talk not because they are busy in their work or studies, because they were busy in the Internet world. These are the people who have time to attend calls willing to respond to text messages and have lots of spare time to play games. The increasing rate of technology has somewhere made our daily lives of homes in the form of Facebook, chat rooms, and PUBG games.

The excess of technology has given rise to many problems, and most of the time people don’t realize what overuse of technology may cause to their beautiful relationship? The most significant problem technology cause to the relationship it takes the precious time something suppose which to spend with their family and loved ones. Well, that said, there are some rules which are described by Morning Lazziness it roots which in common courtesy, that can eliminate letting technology destroy our relationships.

Cell Phones: the important rule which one should follow is to avoid taking calls when they are out with someone special. Unless it’s an emergency call or someone from the family there is never a reason to be on a long call, when you are out with someone on dinner. It looks offensive, and somewhere the other person looks bored to tears. The best way is to let your calls go in voice mail and reply to them later once you get free. The rules for texting and mobile email are the same as for talking-emergency use only.

Games addiction: Recently, the addition of video games is high on the urge. The much far as you can see, you will find kids or even young generation is addicted to video games. Though playing games is not bad, addiction is a bad habit, and you never know when this addiction give the problem to the relationships. Hence, it is okay if one should involve less in video games.

Socializing on the Internet:  Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat, these four social media channels have become the necessity of an ordinary person, or you can buy food and water to a human body. These days, the first thing a person does right after waking up is scrolling and scrolling. Though I’m a complaining one should minimize the use of the social media channels and connect to the people in reality. The much you meet people, the more good you will feel and the better the relationship it would be.

Whether it’s a phone call, Facebook, or video games, technology is something that should make our lives simpler. It depends on us how we use the advancement of technology. It’s time to look up and see the world from the eyes, not from the eyes of your cell phone.


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