4 Software Solutions That Have Made Customer’s Lives Easier

4 Software Solutions That Have Made Customer’s Lives Easier

Today more than ever software is becoming more important for businesses to reach out to their customers as well as make life easier for them. In this article, we are going to take a look at 4 pieces of software that companies have used in four different industries. The solutions these businesses provide are well thought out and very impressive.

Channel Manager Software

A channel manager helps businesses to keep track of and in most cases automate their various sales channels. There is one particular piece of software known as the channel manager that we are going to cover in this article and that is the vacation rental channel manager. This piece of software is used to keep track of multiple calendars across multiple vacation rental websites.

People that rent their properties out on vacation rental websites generally need to sign up to as many vacation rental websites as possible. The more sites their property is listed on, the more traffic their property will attract even though that traffic comes from a variety of different websites. Each of those sites is a sales channel.

The channel manager software helps to keep the calendars on these sites in sync. Without a channel manager, a booking could be made one website, but because that website is not connected to all the other websites, the other website calendars still have the dates available for booking. A company called www.lodgify.com has managed to come up with a channel manager that syncs with all the major brand named websites that offer vacation rental properties on their websites.

With a channel manager connecting all the calendars, property owners have an automated system that keeps multiple calendars up to date.

Stair Building Software

This is a brilliant example of software being used by a London based company that has made sure it has differentiated its stair building company from its competition. It is very clever because anyone that wants to build a new staircase can design their stairs with the company via their website, which is www.mrstairs.com.

First, the website offers instant interaction with anyone that visits the stair building software page. Engaging with customers these days is extremely important and interaction is one way to achieve this, so Mr. Stairs have already passed with flying colours on this count.

Second, being memorable so people talk about your business is another selling point because we all know how important word of mouth is. Now let’s be honest, how many people expect a stair building company to have a software tool built into their website that allows you to design your stairs online?

Third, the website has differentiated itself from its competitors because most of the time you have to do a lot of the groundwork yourself in order to explain to a stair company what it is you want to achieve. Mr. Stairs, but Mr. Stairs has made this part of the process easy.

Automatic Website Build Quote System

A company called www.nexsource.com have come up with a system that gives people instant website build quotations. What makes this system unique is that even someone that does not know anything about websites can go onto the quote engine and get ideas about how they want to structure their website build.

This is not just a system that gives quotes for small websites, but a system that also includes e-comm, built in back end logins for customers, CMS systems, custom designs, and more. This is a state-of-the-art system, and you would be hard pushed to find any other websites that offer such an advanced quote engine.

Imagine having no idea what you want or no idea about how much a website build or online application is going to cost you. With this quote engine, you can play with the settings in order to nail down your budget, and you will also be able to nail down exactly what you want to achieve from your website.

Influencer Marketing Software

The last piece of software that really impressed us is influencer marketing systems. Influencer marketing is a totally different beast to regular marketing such as advertising online using systems such as Google Ads or Facebook paid advertising that are mainly set and forget style marketing campaigns used to generate online traffic.

On the other hand, influencer marketing is all about building relationships with influencers within an industry and getting them to mention try and mention your product. There is a lot of effort that goes into outreaching influencers, getting them to try your service and product and then review it. The main objective is to get that person to continuously mention the product or even use it.

You have probably already worked that this is a tough industry to automate when it comes to brand building because it needs that human touch, or you are just leaving your brand reputation in the hands of a computer-generated algorithm. Unfortunately, artificial intelligence is not yet clever enough to run a brand campaign in the same way Google Ads can auto optimise Ad campaigns to show up at the right time in the right place, so the ads reach a relevant market.

However, www.singlegrain.com may have come up with the answer. There are a certain number of tasks that took hours of manual labour to achieve, but this company has eliminated a large portion of those time-consuming tasks. Plus, the company is continuously implementing new technology and add-ons in an effort to continue helping influencer marketers automate more processes so they can concentrate on scaling their campaigns faster than previously possible.

So, there we have it. Four excellent examples of how technology has helped industries that we may never have thought technology would be able to assist. There are thousands more examples that we can mention especially with the emerging blockchain technologies out there, which we have not even begun to mention here. That is a whole new subject, and we are sure that over the next decade as we move up to 2030 as a milestone, blockchain technologies will become a major part of all our lives.

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