5 Unique Promotional Tools for Startups

5 Unique Promotional Tools for Startups

One of the most challenging aspects of starting a business, is raising brand awareness and getting your name out there. Intelligent paid advertising is now easily accessible to businesses of any size, through platforms such as Google Ads and Facebook Ads, but sometimes a more unique approach can be better value for money.

That’s why we’ve put together this list, of 5 unique ways to promote your business. The list is by no means exhaustive, but hopefully it will get your creative juices flowing!

1. Promotional Condoms

We have seen promotional condoms work incredibly well in industries that you would least expect – from engineering to politics. Ski resorts, nightclubs and dating apps are obvious areas where custom condoms can work, but in fact, sometimes it can be even more effective and impactful in ‘boring’ niches.

Getting your logo printed onto a condom wrapper can be done relatively cheaply, and they work great as a small freebie that promotes both your cause, and safe sex.

2. Reverse Graffiti

Plastering graffiti promoting your business in your local area is one way of getting the word out there… but it can have potentially negative consequences. If it’s not your property, then unless you’re able to create a truly inspiring work of art that also (somehow) advertises your product or service, chances are people will get upset.

Reverse graffiti on the other hand, is a little more natural. Get a custom stencil with your advertising message, and use a power washer to ‘clean’ a dirty street or wall with an advert. Genius, right?! Bonus points if you’re advertising a cleaning company.

3. Use LinkedIn like a pro

Maybe this one seems obvious, but the power of LinkedIn as a marketing tool is often underestimated. Ask yourself what kind of people could really help you further your business goals, and learn how to search like a pro with LinkedIn’s advanced search.

Work on how you reach out to people, too. Word of mouth is famously the most powerful way of connecting with consumers, and LinkedIn is as close to word of mouth as you can get online (in the business sphere).

4. Tailored custom promotional items

The key to creating a great promotional freebie, is tying it in with your business offering. Can you minify your service or product into one small item? Selling spice kits? Give away spices! Selling speakers? How about a pair of earphones?

If you sell a service you might have to be a little more creative, such as the reverse graffiti idea above.

5. Answer questions on Quora

Quora is an online question and answer based community. If you can think of a question, it’s probably already been asked on Quora. Set up a profile, search for questions related to your niche, and answer them!

Ensure your answers are well-researched and comprehensive, and if relevant you can even include a link back to your website.

Make it unique to your business

Hopefully these 5 starting points will set you off on the right track to thinking of your own creative and unique ways to promote your business.

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