How To Increase Productivity At Work

How To Increase Productivity At Work

Let’s face it: some days, we show up to work and we don’t feel motivated. Even the simplest tasks seem impossible, from sending emails to checking voicemail. For many of us, increasing our work capacity is one of our greatest goals. Fortunately, there are many simple ways to increase your productivity at work. By changing certain habits and creating a comfortable work environment, you can make a noticeable impact on your work output and improve your mood in the workplace. Let’s take a look at 5 effortless ways you can work smarter, not harder and increase your productivity:

Take Intermittent Breaks

It’s tempting to marathon through a portion of work to finish it as soon as possible. However, doing so is more likely to limit your work output than help. Working continuously for long periods of time stress the body and mind. It’s not only exhausting for the body and the mind, but it can lead to decision fatigue and poor concentration. Taking regular breaks during work offers valuable benefits that can increase your productivity. It may improve your ability to focus, improve your memory retention, and offer a creative bost. Think of breaks like “pit stops” for your mind. You need to rest and refuel if you want to work at full capacity.

Prioritize the Most Important Tasks

The first few hours after we wake up are statistically our most productive. Our minds are refreshed and ready to tackle the task at hand before daily stressors start to impact our concentration. Use this to your advantage and do your most important activities earlier in the day. Think about your to-do list: what is the most crucial task you need to accomplish? Which tasks are most likely to make you procrastinate? If you do your most important tasks first, you won’t run out of energy before your start. By procrastinating and doing these tasks later, you’ll approach them with more mental fatigue and feel less productive.

Create a Comfortable Work Environment

If your workplace’s air conditioning has ever failed during a hot summer day, you may understand how much your environment impacts your productivity. The same can be said for a cluttered workplace.

Depending on how often you work, you may spend almost as much time at your office as you do at home. Why not make it as comfortable as possible?

Create a more comfortable work environment and increase your productivity:

-Using a dyson fan or heating unit to make your workspace more comfortable
-Organizing your desk to minimize distractions
-Changing the lighting
-Personalizing your space with plants or air fresheners
-Opening windows
-Using noise-canceling headphones to eliminate noisy distractions
-Using a blue-light filter on your computer and smartphone
-Improving your posture with an ergonomic desk chair

Get Enough Sleep

Going to work without getting enough sleep is a great way to set yourself up for failure. When you don’t get adequate sleep, your mind will not function at its fullest capacity – and no, your morning cup of coffee isn’t going to make up for the extra hours of sleep you didn’t get. It’s a popular belief that adults can function on six or fewer hours of sleep, but regardless of your age, you should strive for between 7-9 hours each night. By sleeping any less, you’re more likely to feel sluggish, unmotivated, and indecisive the next day at work.

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