What Are The Top Causes Of Car Accidents?

What Are The Top Causes Of Car Accidents?

Car accidents are one of the unfortunate realities of driving. The biggest issue with car accidents is perhaps that human error generally causes a majority of them. No matter how careful and safe of a driver you aim to be, it doesn’t mean everyone around you is the same.

As a result, you can be a victim of a car accident whether small or big at just about any point in time. There are plenty of negative ways a car accident can impact your life. This is why you should always be ready to file a car accident claim. In this article, we will be going over some of the top causes of car accidents in the United States.

Some Of The Top Causes Of Car Accidents:

1. Distracted Driving.

This is perhaps one of the most significant causes of a lot of car accidents in the USA. In fact, it has become such an epidemic that a lot of state laws are addressing this issue head-on. Whether it be from fiddling with the radio to texting on your smartphone while driving, you want to avoid any and all distractions as much as possible when you are driving. Being distracted is something that can really turn you from a safe driver to a very dangerous one without even knowing it.

2. Speeding.

Another big cause of a lot of the accidents in the USA has to do with driving over the speed limit. While you might feel as though you are going to get where you are going much quicker with speeding, it really doesn’t do much for you in terms of cutting down your transportation time.

To put it simply, the payoff of time saved with speeding is simply not worth the risk. The issue with speeding is not having all of the cars going at the same speed. Therefore, it can cause drivers to be unaware of how fast you are coming up on them, it can scare them into reacting unpredictably, and it can cause a lot of other issues on the road altogether.

3. Drunk Driving.

This is another major problem that the United States is faced with. Drinking and driving are against the law and it is one of the leading causes of deadly accidents in the USA. The legal limit for blood alcohol content when you are driving varies from state to state. Therefore, you will want to be fully aware of the legal limit to avoid being charged with a DUI. However, even more so, you want to be aware of the legal limit because it will keep you from driving when you are under the influence of alcohol which can completely ruin your reaction time, depth perception, and more which can make it very dangerous to drive.

4. Slippery Road Conditions.

Another issue that can result in a lot of accidents is inclement weather and poor road conditions. Whether due to rain or ice, you want to look to avoid drinking in these conditions as much as possible. If you have to drive in wet and inclement weather, you are going to want to be certain that you are slowing down on the road and compensating for the potential slippage that might occur with your tires when stopping and turning. Otherwise, you could put yourself and others at risk.

5. Reckless Driving.

This is another major cause of a lot of accidents in the country. This can be considered driving too fast, but it can also include aggressive driving, changing lanes too often, not using your turn signal, and more.

Overall, there are so many different causes of accidents in the USA. By knowing some of the more common causes of accidents, you should be much more aware of them and how to prevent them from happening to begin with. If you find yourself a victim in a driving accident, visit the personal injury accident directory to find a top car accident and personal injury lawyer.

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