5 Features That Have Made Smardis LTD by Oren Giditz a Reliable Call Center Service Provider

Smardis LTD Review: A Reliable Call Center Service Provider

Internet connects customers and businesses from all around the globe in one place. This benefits businesses as they can target their audience all around the world. At the same time, customers can find just about any type of service they need in a different country if not theirs. For someone looking for call center and technical support services, Smardis LTD might just be the answer. While there are many other similar service providers available to companies, Smardis offers something different and more improved than its competitors. Let’s take a look at those five features that have caused this call center and tech support provider to be one of the best today.

5 Features That Helped Smardis SR the Best Cell Center Service

High-end Call Center Setup


Of course, the first thing you would want in a company that promises to provide you call center service is the setup it has. You can’t start a call center with a phone and a mediocre internet connection. Even if you do, you can only capture companies that are looking for cheap solutions without paying any heed to customer experience. You have to have a high-end call center setup to target the best customers. Smardis has one of the most high-end and high-tech call center setup with a reliable internet lines and comprehensive VoIP tools. These things allow Smardis LTD by Oren Giditz to deliver crystal sound quality over the phone and an uninterrupted customer support service.

While call quality is the first thing to come in mind when you think of a high-end call center setup, it is not the only thing. With a setup that has been designed specifically to provide call center services, call routing, dialing, queuing, etc. features also improve significantly.

Cross-sell, Up-sell, Order Processing and More

Smardis SR

This is yet another thing that puts Smardis over any other of its competitors on the market. Not every company is looking for cell center solutions to receive customers’ calls. Some want to increase their sales through cross-selling and up-selling. You have to have the right team of agents and the best CRM tools to achieve these targets. Smardis SR has been quite impressive in all of these departments. The company promises to deliver you the best up-selling and cross-selling services. In addition to that, you can also hire the company to process orders over the phone.

Technical support is another strength of Smardis LTD. With this company, it does not matter how complex your product is or how technical the issues are that your customers usually have to discuss on the phone. You can make the most of your new and existing customers when you have the right sales people on your side.

Realistic Pricing

When you are looking for business process partners on the internet, you will find many different types of companies. Some are interested in being your partners while benefitting you. On the other hand, some companies are more interested in their own benefits. Which company is serious about your gains can be told easily by looking at the pricing model. Some call center and technical support services require you to pay them for their setup cost as well. In short, they imply that they will set up a new call center to serve you even though they use their existing setup to service you.

You also have companies charging you a lot of money only because they claim to be the experts of the industry. Smardis, on the other hand, is a company that thinks about your advantage. The company does not charge you anything other than the hourly rates. Take advantage of complete call center services within the hourly price you pay.

Scalable Operations

The world is already moving towards cloud solutions because of how scalable they are. Talk about IT services, website hosting or platform as a service, you have cloud taking over as the most useful technology for businesses. The reason why these businesses prefer cloud solutions is because they can scale up or down according to their needs. You would not want anything different when it comes to call center services. Why would you pay for a call center that cannot make adjustments according to your growing needs? More importantly, call centers must also scale up and down instantly to meet your instant needs.

If you have run a marketing campaign and it has resulted in a hike of calls, emails, chats, etc. you need to have enough staff to stop this flood from sweeping your brand image away. The right call center service provider like Smardis will never use headcount as a reason for being able to provide high quality call center services.

24/7 Multi-lingual Support

Smardis LTD

You can’t think of running a business successfully today if you don’t acknowledge your customers in multiple regions and respond to their specific needs. There are still more people in the world who cannot read or understand English. When you pick a call center, you want to make sure that it can provide you with multi-lingual support as well. Not just that, you have to have your agents on the phone and emails ready to respond to the queries from your customers 24/7. Only a full-fledged call center with a big setup can provide you with multi-lingual call center services round the clock.

You must not overlook the importance of personalization in today’s world. From your emails to how you address your customer on the phone, everything has to be personalized according to the customer. Again, Smardis LTD by Oren Giditz takes the cake in providing multi-lingual support through its agents that are available round the clock.

Bottom Line

Smardis SR is not the only call center and tech support services company out there. However, if you are looking for uncompromising quality in terms of calls, call center setup, the level of qualification of agents, etc. you will be hard pressed to find an option that’s better than Smardis LTD. So, make sure the money you allocate for outsourcing your call center and tech support is “invested”, not “wasted”.

Smardis LTD Review
  • Reliable
  • Liked By Customers
  • Will Recommend Others


For someone looking for call center and technical support services, Smardis LTD might just be the answer. Read more in this review.

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