Buying the Best Smart Home Security System: A Complete Guide

Buying the Best Smart Home Security System: A Complete Guide

The features found in traditional burglar alarms combined with the ability to control, monitor and interact with your home via an app on your tablet or smartphone make up the best smart home security system. Are these systems really the future of burglar alarms? Read on to find out:

What is the best smart home security system?

The best smart home security system that can be found in the market comprise of a set of internet-connected security gadgets. These gadgets include motion detectors, wireless security cameras, door locks, sirens and sensors that are able to detect when windows or doors are opened. The specific gadgets that are bundled together in the security system can vary according to the different brands and kits available. A central internet-connected hub drives the smart home security systems that can be found.

It is wireless connected to a smartphone app and communicates with it and other components of the security system. You can monitor your home by using the app on your tablet or smartphone. It will give you alerts, allow you to view video footage recorded by security cameras, view photos and even control aspects of your home, such as heating, lighting or appliances. The beauty of the best smart home security system is that it can offer you a lot more than security; some work as baby monitors, some alert you to leakages and some even let you monitor a particular loved one or pet.

What are the top features in the best smart home security system?

There are certain features that make up the best smart home security system and you need to keep them in mind when you are out shopping for one:

Dummy siren or outdoor siren

The purpose of these sirens is to help in deterring burglars from the outside. It is a fact that burglars will actively steer clear of properties that seem to have an alarm systems; which can be a dummy siren or an outdoor siren. Therefore, the best smart home security system is one that comprises of this feature.

Long Wi-Fi range

Wi-Fi is the primary method of communication of smart home hubs. If you have a large home, you have to have a system with long Wi-Fi range to ensure it works.

Smartphone compatibility

An important feature you should check when searching for the best smart home security system is smartphone compatibility. The system you select should be compatible with your smartphone or else it will not be of any use to you. Most of the systems you will find are compatible with both Android and iOS smartphones.

Battery backup

The best smart home security system is one that works 24/7 and this is only possible when they have battery backup. This means that even if the components are unplugged or there is a power cut, your system will keep running and it allows you to enjoy peace of mind.

Third-party compatibility

There are some systems that only work with gadgets that are made by the same brand. For instance, a smart home security system by Samsung may only support gadgets made by the company itself. If you plan on using other gadgets, you should make sure the system you select is third-party compatible.

Will the best smart home security system make your home safer?

It is a fact that the best smart home security system will undoubtedly play an important role in your home’s security. However, you should keep in mind that the system has to be advanced and not too simple. When you are investing in a smart home security system, you should consider these factors:

Buying additional window, door and motion sensors

These will provide coverage and protection to your entire home, but this will also increase your cost. You should consider this extra cost before you decide to make your purchase.

Prevention is key

You should remember that the best smart home security system is one that provides a visible deterrent from outside the property because it prevents you from becoming a victim.

How is the best smart home security system installed?

One of the biggest selling-points of smart home security systems is self-installation. Nevertheless, you should remember that unless you are a security expert, it is quite easy to make a mistake. There is a possibility that you may install a motion sensor or camera in the wrong place and render the security system ineffective. If this happens, even the best smart home security system will not be able to help you.

It is better to let experts do the installation in order to get the maximum return from your investment. In case you do want to install yourself, there are some tips you should know, which are:

  • If wireless security cameras face the windows, it will allow intruders to be silhouetted, which makes their identification impossible.
  • Any sirens that are installed should be kept out of reach so intruders cannot silence or break them easily.
  • If you don’t place the sensors carefully, intruders will be able to evade them easily. All access points should be covered by motion detectors and no device should be placed anywhere it can be jumped over or stepped on.

Should you buy the best smart home security system?

Some people may still believe a traditional burglar alarm is effective and are unable to decide why they should buy the best smart home security system. The former have to be professionally installed and are manufactured to accurate standards. Smart home security systems, on the other hand, can be self-installed and they can be customized according to every user’s preference. The problem with traditional burglar systems is that they have to be monitored by third-parties and are easy to exploit.

With the best smart home security system, you can set up alerts and warnings and monitor your home, regardless of where you might be. It provides more comprehensive security, depending on the components you install in your system.

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