How to Go About Hiring a Software Development Company

How to Go About Hiring a Software Development Company

So you have finally come to the decision to build yourself a mobile or web app. You have thought about the idea that you have and the purpose that it will solve and also know how you are going to monetize it once it’s developed. The only problem that you now have is that you do not have the technical ability to build it yourself and either a very small IT team or none at all.

So this leaves you asking yourself the following question: “How do I go about hiring an app development company to build my app?

Firstly, you need to perform market research to make sure that you are building an app that offers specific functions no other app offers. Secondly, you need to consider how you will market the app. For example, you could hire the best Digital marketing agency Essex has.

If this is something that you have never done before or are not the technical type – this could prove to be quite a major obstacle in launching your app. The bad news is that this is just one such obstacle and you are only right at the beginning!

However, chill out and let us help to calm you down alongside that cup of coffee that you have just grabbed! We will help you to answer that question to the very best of our ability.

First, you have to understand that it can be difficult to find a good software house. Why? Because there are either not too many ‘good’ ones around, are too cheap and will not finish your work or too expensive and will send you bankrupt before your app gets off the ground!

So here is your process!

First, know what it is that you want to be built, what purpose it will serve and which devices you want it to be able to be run on. This should be your call all of the way and should have been decided before you even started looking for developers. They might try to give you advice on your decisions but do not be bullied into changing them unless you really believe what they are saying.

Ensure the Team has Plenty of Experience on the Platform Chosen

You will want to see examples of past work, testimonials and even personal references from past customers for whatever platform whether iOS, Android or Windows. Again, do not let them talk you into changing platforms based purely on the fact that they know one better than another.

Have Them Build an MVP

No – this is not a ‘most valuable player’! This is a minimum viable product!

An MVP is basically a prototype version of your mobile app that comprises of the bare bones in many respects. You can use this to get a few first users and ask for their feedback with regards to features they want to be added. Just start small and when the time is right, add more features as you go along. You need to find out how long a developer will be able to deliver an MVP, so ask them!

Be Realistic When it Comes to Budget

I know it’s a cliché but you really do get what you pay for! The reality is that if you want a high quality mobile app written by a developer with a vast amount of experience – you are going to have to pay quite a lot of money. If on the other hand, you want something done quickly and cheap you are going to end up with something undesirable.

Just ask for an hourly rate, how many hours they predict it will take and ask them if you can track there hours using the software of some kind. Also, make sure you have a marketing agency Essex for advice.

If you can do all of the above – you should be able to find a good software development team that we provide you with the sort of end product that you are looking for!

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