Features of Best Home Automation Security System and How They Help

Features of Best Home Automation Security System and How They Help

Nowadays, it has become the norm for people to choose security systems that offer home automation. From the perspective of home security, the primary benefit of home automation is that it gives owners better control over their alarm systems; they can enjoy centralized and remote monitoring and control of their security system’s window entry sensors, door locks and other components. Real-time footage can also be viewed online. Home automation also empowers owners to automate and have remote control over lighting. Blinds and lights can be automated when you are out. With voice recognition, home automation can add another layer of security.

The best home automation security system that can be found nowadays is designed to keep the home safe and simultaneously save time and utility costs. It provides security against outside elements, such as intruders and burglars, and also keeps the home safe from other risks, like gas leakages, floods, and more. The best home automation security system has smart home equipment that enables it to perform these functions.

The smart equipment used by the best home automation security system comprises several features that allow it to accomplish its goal, for instance, electric gates and motors, security alarm, voice recognition, etc. What more features? Some of the top ones are mentioned in detail below:

Control Panel

The best home automation security system in the market will come with a sleek control panel. It is not different from a command center or motherboard, where the user will interface and control the system through security commands. Typically, these control panels are wall-mounted ad a number of them have touchscreen panels with additional smart apps. A smart device can also be used for controlling your system remotely.

Remote Access

The best home automation security system cannot be called so, if it doesn’t provide remote access. This is a key feature because it allows homeowners to access their system regardless of where they are. They just need to have access to a smart device and the system’s app. You will be able to disarm or arm your system, set the temperature, dim the lights, let the dog walker in, close your garage doors and more, right from your office.

Voice Recognition

This sounds like something out of science fiction, but it has become an important element of the best home automation security system. You can use your voice for controlling the thermostat, the lights, garage door and front door and various other appliances. Even Bluetooth music devices are supported by some systems.

Arm or Disarm Security

Did you forget to turn on your system before leaving home? There is no need to worry. You can just open the app and do it from there. No matter where you are or what time it is, you can arm or disarm the system, as per your preference. This has become a standard feature of the best home automation security system.

Remote Control Door Locks

There are some features of home automation that have proven to be incredibly helpful for homeowners. One of them is remote control door locks. With this option, you can grant entry to anyone in your home, even if you are not there at the time. For instance, the cleaners may come to do their job and you cannot be available at that time. Instead of leaving your key under the mat or somewhere else a burglar may find, you can just use the app to open the door and let them in. The doors can be locked and unlocked, as per your preference.

Garage Door

There are only a few things worse than leaving your garage door open accidentally. It is like handing out an intruder an all-access VIP pass to roam about your home and steal your belongings. The best home automation security system gives you the option of remotely controlling your garage doors as well. You can open and close the door directly through the app, which minimizes any security risks. 


Whether you like it cold, hot or somewhere in between, the AC/Heat feature is ideal for those who are worried about climate control. Through this particular feature, you can access your home’s thermostat directly on your smartphone. You can turn on the AC when you are on your way home so you will find it at the perfect temperature by the time you arrive. There is also an additional bonus; you can save on energy consumption and costs when you are not at home.

Home Appliances

Home automation doesn’t just apply to home security and AC/Heat. You also have the option of getting a variety of automated and smart home devices and appliances for your home. This includes coffee makers, music players, heated towel racks and a lot more. You can schedule the system to start making coffee at a specific time in the morning so it will be ready when you want to have breakfast. When you are searching for a security system, just ensure that the one you select supports third-party automation appliances and devices.


Another notable feature of the best home automation security system is that it lets you adjust a room filled with lights to suit your mood, without even getting up. Instead, you can use your phone to do so. There are smart lights that you can get, which enable you to automate your lighting for specific times or occasions. For instance, the lights will go dim when it is time for the kids to sleep. Moreover, you can also turn off the extra lights in rooms that are not in use. This helps you in saving on electricity.

These are some of the top features that can be found in the best home automation security system. When you decide to make the investment, you should ensure that the system you select has all the features you believe you will need for keeping your home secure and also for added convenience and protection. As long as you make the right choice, you will be able to reap the benefits.

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