The Don’ts if you Want to Build Traffic to your Website

The Don'ts if you Want to Build Traffic to your Website

Ever wondered how it is that you seem to write great articles on your site but just you and a few others know about it? And every post feels like “This is it!”, but is never “it”. You’ve probably tried a lot of methods on what to do to get traffic to your site but nothing seems to do the trick. So you just keep hoping and waiting for that one post that will shot you up to fame and create an influx of people to your site, but that’s a long shot with a higher probability of never happening especially when that is what everyone is waiting for. It’s time to take a sit back and reassess what exactly it is, you are not doing and the mistakes you are most probably making. You can learn a lot about building your website traffic from Traffic Tsunami – SEO & digital marketing leaders.

Too much content: This is one very common mistake most writers tend to make. It isn’t just enough to write as much as you can on a subject when over a hundred other persons have written similar, if not the same thing on that same subject. Your content is king and it is what will keep people hooked and make others come too; no one will come back to garbage. It takes the average person just about 5-10 seconds to decide whether the article on a site is worth their time or not, and so if your content isn’t captivating enough, they move on, most times never to come back again.

Think back to the one time you visited a nice restaurant and the food felt so divine, you couldn’t wait to tell all your friends about it, well, your content should be like that too. Your readers should be looking for the share icon immediately they’re done. Focus on what you’re serving them, not necessarily on the quantity but on the quality. Spend enough time on what you write, don’t be in a rush. Add pictures and videos if possible and make use of internal links. Tell stories, insert comical reliefs, use emotions in your writing and let it affect change in the minds of those who read them.

Boring headlines: This is just like the content vs container debate, in this case, your headlines being the container. You can’t have awesome content and a shabby container; no one would want your product! Ask people who are into the branding of products; they spend so much time working on getting the right design that’ll be eye-catching for their customers. Your headline is just like the container, it is the first contact anyone will have with your site and if it isn’t attractive enough, they won’t stop by. So when writing a headline, you need to take note two important things: The framing of words and use of power words. Power words are words packed with emotions and are useful in persuasion.

Newspapers, journalists, magazines and practically everyone that wants your attention, make use of it. Also, your headlines should have the right keywords; it doesn’t have to be so long. It could be in the form of a question or in a manner that creates curiosity or a sense of urgency. Use power words and frame them into any these forms.

Underrating SEO: Here’s the deal; optimizing your content for search engines cannot be overemphasized. Since you are trying to build traffic, you need your website to pop up first when the keyword to your niche is typed into a search engine. Google constantly updates its algorithm on how to rank websites and you have to keep up. In doing so, you need to make sure your site has

  • Quality information relevant to the searcher
  •  The right keywords relating to the niche
  •  Internally trusted links that provide answers

This means knowing your target audience and their needs is very important. But it is also vital that you know how search engines work. Know your competitors too and do more research on optimizing your content. SEO is a broad subject and you need expert assistance to succeed at it. Click this link for some important tricks and tips to boost your site’s visibility.

Not commenting on related sites: Yep! This is one very easy way to get your site out there for people to know and visit. For example, a site like Quora, where people ask questions, you could be there to provide the answers they need, and in so doing, link them back to your site. It doesn’t only have to be on Quora, get out there and make yourself known. Comment on relevant articles and give people strong answers, they’ll sooner or later come looking for you.

Social media: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, let everybody know about your website and what you have to offer. Optimize each of your social media pages so that anyone who comes there will see and know about your site. Share some of your content on your social media platforms but be careful not to turn them into spam messages so that you don’t drive your audience away. Since you are dealing with social media, make sure the “share” Button is readily available on each platform. It would be a huge shame not to be able to share amazing content with other people.

Underrating email marketing: Here is another common mistake we are guilty of. Statistics have shown that email marking is one of the most effective ways of building traffic to your site. Set up an email list (if you don’t have any, set up one now!) and send out regular reminders of your website and new posts or products available there. Try not to bombard them with too many messages else, they’ll get disinterested.

Badly built website: How often do you get to a page and it’s not loading but you still wait around for it to load? Not very much right. This could be a turn off to most people so you got to make sure your page is technically optimized and that your site loads quickly. We don’t need to emphasize the importance of having an attractive interface. It’s a no brainer!!! If your site looks shitty, you’ll probably not get traffic no matter how good your content is.


You might be guilty of some of these mistakes or even all, that’s alright, we all make mistakes. But now is the time to mend those errors and start to do all you need to do to get that traffic.

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