7 Clever Strategies to Increase Brand Awareness

7 Clever Strategies to Increase Brand Awareness

Studies show that city dwellers come across around 5,000 ads daily from various branding campaigns. You likely have already come across numerous logos and internet ads prior to reading this article!

In such a saturated setting, you may not want to resort purely to spam or product placement. Brand recognition comes over time, not just by spamming people as frequently as possible.

Below are several tips for creating awareness campaign ideas that will stick in your customers’ minds long after the fact.

Use Video to Tell Your Brand’s Story

Video used to be a bigger investment in time, money, you name it. Now that videos rule the internet (in terms of traffic), they stand to dominate your campaign efforts.

Video covers marketing and advertising goals in one stroke. A video can evoke feeling and call someone to action in 90 seconds or less, sending your awareness marketing into the fast lane.

Videos are easy to optimize and share on almost every social media platform, too. That means your customers will be able to share or tag others and promote your brand cross-platform for you!

Guest Post

Guest posting allows you to attract new audiences with your awareness campaign ideas. While aimless guest posts can take a lot of work, the right post drives exposure with memorable content.

The ideal guest post is published with a brand mention or author recognition. It’s worth it to pay a little more for this option, so you don’t end up writing free content for no reason.

If guest posting options don’t appeal, you can always tap into influencer marketing. There are numerous tools that can help you find the right influencer for your campaign.

You can start by selecting an influencer with credibility and a large audience, one that creates potential for new customers.The influencer gains credibility in return and gets to share exciting insights alongside you!

Enhance Your Awareness Campaign Ideas with Visuals

Images allow people to form opinions about your brand quickly- in a split-second, even. Graphics of any kind tend to say what words can’t- that your brand is real, something they can see in their mind when in need of your product.

When creating a branding campaign on Pinterest, you can get creative by taking up the space of multiple pins side-by-side and having your content flow between the two. This visual breaks up the mass of pins and catches the viewer’s eye.

Bank of America used what looked like pins and then gradually incorporated more of them into their ad space (of course, the pins were ad space the whole time). The pins then flipped to reveal a larger BoA logo, a fun surprise when scrolling!

Build Local Partnerships

Complementary partnerships work both ways- your strengths keep the other party’s weaknesses in check, and their strengths keep you invested. Local partnerships spread awareness to those closest without stretching your branding campaign too far.

Consider relevance when choosing a partner. A landscaping company would partner better with somewhere like Lowe’s than a clothing retail store.

If you sell a wine subscription, for example, you might partner with a company that offers grocery delivery via subscription. Paying to include a small card in the first box with a wine discount will pay off quickly- target customers will remember how much they love a dry red with dinner!

Another great partnership to consider is that of a digital marketing agency. They tend to tap into cross-channel strategies so your money can stretch. Ultimately, look for one focused on generating leads and solidifying your campaign strategy.

Entice With Freebies

It may be impossible to find people who’ve lived without various branded objects in their junk drawer. From pens to koozies to bracelets, people love collecting small treasures without paying.

Freebies are most effective if they are something the person uses regularly or something they use that reminds them why they need your service. For instance, if your business offers something related to computer technology, you can give away branded USB drives.

Your long-game strategy could be promoting a free newsletter or email list. Email lists are low-commitment ways to show your credibility and value over time. 

Those who use your content are both promoting your brand and offering essential feedback! They also become part of your sales funnel.

You can even attract brand awareness by using free limited content with the ability to upgrade. Content that has direct value can have your logo or other visual until they upgrade to premium. 

Focus Your Social Strategy

Most anyone on Twitter has seen a tweet by Wendy’s- that’s because they focused their social strategy to create lasting brand recognition.

When the Wendy’s team’s first widely-recognized tweet spurred a social contest, they maximized the attention it received.

You may be thinking they missed out on other social opportunities, but that wasn’t the case. New followers then shared to Facebook and Instagram, offering free exposure because they enjoyed the content so much.

Wendy’s awareness marketing established a reputation of ongoing engagement that rippled out into their content marketing strategy.

You can put more of your money into creating familiarity or a distinct personality like Wendy’s and still get the payoff in conversions. Just remember that the same content may not work as effectively cross-platform.

Use Surveys to Pinpoint Your Market

You don’t want to play guessing games when money is on the line. Getting to know your audience is key to streamlining your marketing strategy. After all, these insights will target future consumers based on how they already feel about related products and services.

Write down what you know about your target audience and note the knowledge gaps you could fill. If your questions seem simple to start off, that’s okay. You can use targeting options to expand on upcoming surveys as you gain insights.

Your Brand Awareness Campaign

Brand awareness is a critical focus for every business. Your awareness campaign ideas can help customers distinguish your product from the competition. Your brand’s story will be more likely to resonate with customers and build valuable relationships that go beyond a single campaign.

We hope that these tips help you generate leads and launch an impressive campaign. For more wisdom on all things entrepreneurial, keep browsing our business blog and subscribe!

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