How to Plan a Successful Team Building Event in 7 Easy Steps

Successful Team

Organizing a team building event can be hugely beneficial for every company, and there are multiple different reasons why this strategy is so effective. First off, it creates a certain bond between colleagues. There’s no argument about the fact that a project can truly be successful only if everyone’s on the same page, pulling in the same direction. 

But we all know that this can be pretty hard to achieve in some cases. We’re all different, so it’s paramount that you try to create the team atmosphere at your company. That’s why it’s so important to include these team building events that are going to help at establishing a good relationship among colleagues. In this article, we’re going to look at some of the ways for planning a successful team building event.

Have Clear Goals In Mind Before You Start Organizing the Event

Before you even start organizing the event, you as a company leader or a manager should have a pretty clear picture of what you’re trying to accomplish with this team building event. You can’t possibly expect it to be successful if even you don’t know where the whole thing is heading towards.

Make sure to know the focus areas in advance. We’re not saying that you should try to control or micromanage each second of the event, but only to know exactly what you’re trying to achieve here. You probably won’t be able to come up with any meaningful and fun activities or challenges on the spot, and that’s why thinking in advance is essential.

Know How Much Money You Want to Spend In Advance

As you can see, a huge part of any successful planning revolves around thinking in advance about the things you’re trying to accomplish. If you want your team building event to have a favorable outcome, you need to meticulously plan everything ahead.

A big part of this should be knowing exactly what your budget is. Establishing this in advance gives you enough room to plan how extensive your team building event will eventually be. You don’t want to fool everyone into thinking that they’re going to attend this huge meeting and then fail to deliver due to poor budget planning. 

Make Sure Everyone Participates and Has a Good Time

Another thing that’s essential here is that you involve the right people. As you’ve probably already noticed, some of your colleagues are shy and introverted while others are outspoken and sociable. Having them mesh together the right way can be rather challenging at times. So, you need to make sure that everyone participates equally in the event. But it’s also crucial not to force anyone into doing something that they don’t like.

Probably the most important thing you want to make sure is that everyone has a good time, at the end of the day. Given the fact that this can be a pretty demanding task, sometimes it’s best to hire professional services, like those that Velvet Rope Entertainment provides, for instance. That way you’ll be absolutely positive that your corporate team building event will bring only the best results.

Pay Attention to Your Employees’ Personal Schedules

A huge part of making everyone participate revolves around knowing and respecting your employees’ personal schedules. It’s probably not the best idea to try to organize this team building event if you know that your employees are planning to spend time with their families or have other things in mind for that particular day.

If you want this event to turn out to be a success, you also don’t want to plan it in the middle of a big project that a lot of people are working on. It’s best to wait until everyone’s free and then organize this corporate event.

Help People Get Out of Their Comfort Zones

We’ve already mentioned that you shouldn’t force things here. That includes insisting that everyone participates equally.

But at the same time, you also want to do whatever it is in your power to help people get out of their comfort zones. It’s important to know how far you can ’push’ somebody into doing something. There’s a fine line between helping someone get out of her or his comfort zone and making them uncomfortable.

Work Together Towards a Worthy Cause

One of the main goals of the entire event should be to create a tighter bond between employees. A great way to achieve this is to make them work towards a worthy cause.

For example, volunteering at the local shelter or working on a project that’s going to help the local community always brings the best out of people. The fact that you’re helping others can be a huge motivator for many of your colleagues/employees. You’re making them realize that not everything in life revolves around profit and that there are far bigger and more important things than earning money.

Ensure That the Event Impacts Everyone Positively

Speaking of learning important lessons in life, one of the things that you want to make sure is that everyone picks up something positive from the event. 

For instance, you should try to make sure each person learns something new and valuable – either about themselves or people with whom they share working space almost every single day.


In this article, we’ve tried to present to you some easy steps that each company can make in order to create a successful team building event. Make sure to follow these steps and you’ll definitely see your company further progressing.

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