10 Things to Remember To Do Before Your Move To England

10 Things to Remember To Do Before Your Move To England

Read about 10 things you should do before your big move to England to help your transition run as smoothly as possible.  

In the UK, people are moving half as often as they used to. The reasons for this are far-reaching and complex, but maybe one of the reasons is to avoid the stress. Moving house is known to be one of the most stressful things that we can do and if you’re moving from country to country, the challenge is even greater. To help you minimise the potential problems and additional hurdles with moving to live in the UK, here are 10 things to remember to do before the big day:  

Call All Your Utility Providers 

Make sure that you have not only paid off any outstanding bills, but provided your utility companies with forwarding address details so that if anything else comes up, they can let you know rather than you returning to a big outstanding bill next time you visit home.  

Check-in With International Movers 

If you have decided to use international movers as part of your moving process, make sure you check in with them several times before the move. They should be checking in with you but if they don’t, take the lead to make sure all the details are right.  

Touch Base with the Estate Agents at Your End and in England 

If there is anything that could really put a spanner in the works with your move it is an issue with accommodation. Touch base with your estate agents at both ends to ensure everything is in place for your move.  

Check Your Pets Are Ready 

Your pets should be properly certificated and vaccinated for their move to the UK. They may also require sedation depending on how you’re transporting them. If you have not yet taken them to the vets for advice it is a good idea to do this soon. Some vaccinations need to have been given a certain time in advance of your move.  

Keep Your Children Excited and Aware 

Moving children from country to country can be challenging, although they are more adaptable than adults in general. Using apps where they can learn English, and letting them know about the process of moving will help them feel more relaxed about the change. It is also a great idea to answer any questions they have honestly as the temporary instability and insecurity means you’re their main source of trust until they settle in.  

Visit Anywhere You Need To Visit in Person  

If there are certain things that will be quicker and easier sorted out in person, make sure that is done as soon as possible. This might be your child’s school, the doctors surgery or the dentists where you need to collect paperwork. Some things will be easier sorted in person in comparison to over the phone country to country.  

Following the tips above in combination with a detailed plan, will help you with a smooth transition to the UK. Although the process of moving can be stressful, eventually you will settle in and you will soon be making new memories with your family in a lovely new home.  


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