7 Workplace Distractions That Affect Employee Productivity

7 Workplace Distractions That Affect Employee Productivity

Research shows that a typical office worker gets interrupted every 11 minutes but takes 25 minutes to return to the original task.

But what are the most popular workplace distractions and how do you fix them?


Open-plan offices make it easier to collaborate but a major drawback is the amount of noise they create. In 2011, a study showed that open-plan offices hurt attention spans, creativity, and productivity.

The fix? Wear headphones to drown out any noise and show coworkers you’re in deep concentration. You can even use apps like Noisli to filter out background noise. 


One of the most common distractions in the workplace is a messy desk. Your brain reflects what you see so a cluttered workspace creates a cluttered mind. 

A great remedy to this is by optimizing your desk to prevent distractions. Keep it minimal and only have things that contribute to your work like notepads or pens.  


The average person in the U.S. views their phone 52 times a day. It’s easy to understand why our daily lives rely on emails, texts, and phone calls during work and free time. We even use our phones to jot down a shopping list.

Instead, silence notifications during the workday so you can fully concentrate. Switch on ‘Do Not Disturb’ or ‘Airplane’ mode to prevent any distractions. If you need to check your phone, set a 10-minute limit before delving back into work. 


We love to think we can juggle several tasks at once but the thing is – we can’t. When we try to multitask, we are distracting ourselves from the most important ones. 

Use management software like Asana as it lets you track your progress on your most important work.   


One of the most common distractions is our mental health. Research shows that anxiety affects 18% of Americans and one of its lesser-known consequences is a lack of concentration. 

To fix this work distraction, seek active rejuvenation. You can do this by using a meditation app like Headspace to relax. 

Social Media 

Checking social media has become a habit and the only way to break this behavior pattern is by making social media inaccessible. Use a website blocker like DistractOff  to prevent any distractions at work and keep you focused.

Attention Span 

One of the popular distractions relates to your attention span. Concentration is like a tank of gas in your car and if you’re not careful, you can deplete it before the workday is over. 

You should “eat the frog”  which means you do the biggest task on your checklist first when your energy and focus is at its peak. Unsure? Read about the cost of workplace distractions here. 

Now You Can Remove All Your Workplace Distractions 

Workplace distractions can hinder your productivity so it’s essential to know where your weaknesses are so you can fix them. For example, there are many ways to make it harder to access your social media or smartphone to ensure you stay on track. Further, keep your mind and body healthy so you can be productive in the workplace.

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