4 Trends for Small Bakeries to Use in Upgrading Their Customer Appeal

4 Trends for Small Bakeries to Use in Upgrading Their Customer Appeal

Do you feel like your bakery is in a rut or not attracting enough clients? Take these steps to turn your shop into a place where everyone will want to become a regular. 

Make it a Meal 

This isn’t McDonald’s but that doesn’t mean you can’t bundle food items together. Soups and sandwiches are common pairings for pastries. Look up savory flavors that go well together. Then top it off with something sweet. 

Don’t Hide the Goods 

Any bakery should have its treats front and center. Display your food in a cooler such as a three door commercial display cooler. Put the cooler very close to the register so customers don’t have to wander around the store to find what they want. Organize the food by flavor. Put like with like: brownies go with brownies, cookies go with cookies. Coolers also show customers that you take food freshness and quality seriously. 

Play Up What Makes You Distinctive 

What sets your bakery apart? Is it an “old world” recipe or one passed down through the family? Quirky decor? Maybe there is something in the shop that’s unique without you even realizing it. A good place to start is by looking at the menu. There could be an item or two in particular that customers are gravitating towards. Showcase those items more prominently. Call them out as a customer favorite. 

Extend Your Reach 

If your bakery is big enough and you feel like you have the manpower for it you can offer catering. Be careful not to overextend the bakery’s existing operations. Start slowly with a few events here and there. Keep it very local to reduce transportation costs. The catering side of the business will grow from there. Word of mouth is excellent (and free) advertising. 

Sample a Business Strategy 

Many bakeries offer free samples. Samples can hook customers into buying the full item or even trying something different. You can try offering samples, too, but remember to put a cap on it. Don’t keep giving away your treats. Turn it into a special advertising deal instead. Call out a specific sample that you’re offering and put it on a sign outside the bakery. 

It’s also important to remember what brought you into the bakery business in the first place. Sweet treats are designed to make people feel good. That’s the vibe your store should always aim for. 

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