7 Hidden Secrets of Laser Dentistry to Improve Dental Care

7 Hidden Secrets of Laser Dentistry to Improve Dental Care

Dentistry has progressed in leaps and bounds in recent times as more and more people are becoming aware of the importance of dental care to maintain overall good health. Technology has had a significant role to play in this aspect as they became integrated with many treatment procedures. LASER or Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation is an ideal example of it. Various dental procedures, like dental fillings and decisions, can be performed using it. There are many advantages over the traditional methods as well. To start with, bleeding is minimized as there is immediate coagulation of the blood vessels.

Dental Care

The damage to the tissues during invasive procedures is also significantly lesser, and the process of wound healing is faster. You can be assured of lesser chances of bacterial infections as aseptic conditions are maintained. Since it is a minimally invasive procedure, the requirement of sutures is rare. All of these factors make Laser a preferred agent for treatment. They are mainly of two types- hard tissue lasers and soft tissue lasers. The different dental procedures that can be performed by it are-

Biopsy or lesion removal

This is one of the main applications of Laser in dental care. Previously, biopsy and removal of the lesion were done using appropriate scalpel and blade. However, sometimes, a part of it is left behind, which might cause a recurrence of it. The use of lasers can eliminate this problem. The cutting is exact and can target small areas of tissues. There is a certain type of biopsy that requires you to excise affected and normal tissue together for the sake of comparison. This is a difficult surgical procedure that can be made easy by Laser.

Tooth preparations and dental fillings

The Laser can substitute the use of traditional drills and machines generally used for tooth preparations. Many people suffer from anxiety, as this procedure is performed. The Laser is ideal for such patients. Not only does it help in cutting and preparing the tooth precisely, but it also helps in killing off the bacteria. This results in aseptic cavity preparation and the fillings done after that tend to stay for a longer period.

Treating hypersensitivity

Hypersensitivity is mainly due to the exposure of an anatomical structure called dentinal tubules that house the nerve endings. Enamel, which is the outer covering of the tooth, may wear off for many reasons, exposing the dentin, and this forms a direct connection with the sensitive pulp tissue. The Laser can be used to plug these exposed dentinal tubules that can reduce hypersensitivity.

Crown lengthening

Certain dental treatment requires the placement of a crown on a tooth or teeth. Ideally speaking, there should be enough tooth structure for the crown to take support. However, it can be compromised due to several reasons. In such a situation, a crown lengthening procedure becomes essential. It intends to expose more tooth surface area for the placement of the crown. Laser can be used in cutting off excessive parts of gum to expose the tooth or for the process of raising a flap and pulling it down. Bleeding is minimal in this process, and the chances of postoperative pain and infection are also less.

Enamel shaping and contouring

This is mainly done using hard tissue lasers. Enamel shaping and contouring is not a very widely used technique as it requires the compromise of a natural tooth structure. It is indicated in the case of aesthetic needs. Sometimes, there might be some anomaly associated with the enamel, as the presence of an extra structure like a blob or globule. These developmental disturbances can act as seeding areas for dental caries and also interfere with crown placement. It needs shaping and contouring of the enamel, and Laser is a good option for it.

A heat source to activate tooth bleaching materials

Bleaching or whitening of teeth is a common cosmetic procedure for improving the aesthetics of the oral cavity. It involves the use of various chemicals and materials that forms a part of the teeth whitening kit that gets activated in the presence of the light of a certain wavelength. Even Laser can be used for the same purpose, especially for materials that can be activated by heat as it is a potent source for it.

Help treat infections in root canals

Like mentioned before, Laser can be used for the annihilation or killing of bacteria in a cavity. It has the same utility if the infection reaches the root as well. The pathogenic bacteria are susceptible to a high amount of heat that Laser provides, and thus it is bactericidal in nature. You can even bypass the step of anesthetizing the tooth to perform root canal treatment, which can be a significant relief for patients as well.

It is essential to embrace all the recent advances in dentistry so that dental care is more precise and comprehensive. The use of Laser for different procedures is a significant step towards achieving that.

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