8 Unusual Team Building Activities That Aren’t Corny

8 Unusual Team Building Activities That Aren't Corny

When it comes to team building activities most people think of playing boring games or trying to talk about feelings. But team building activities don’t have to be this way!

There are plenty of fun and unusual team building activities that you can host for your employees. Team building is a great way to get everyone working together. Your team can discover new attributes about their coworkers.

Hosting a team building event is also a great way to get your employees motivated to work. After all, everyone needs a break once in a while so a fun event away from the desk is something everyone needs. 

Keep reading for our eight unusual team building activities that aren’t corny. 

1. Board Game Tournament

If you’re looking for a fun and inexpensive way to promote team building within your workplace, then host a board game tournament. You can do this during the day or after work in your office. Have everyone bring in their favorite board game and a dish to pass. 

A board game tournament is a great way for people in your office to get to know each other. They will have to sit face to face and talk to one another while they play board games. This is also a super nostalgic event so your team will have lots of fun. 

2. Scavenger Hunt

Another fun event to get your employees out of the office is by hosting a scavenger hunt. Set up teams who don’t normally work together and give them a list of things to collect all over the city. Each item can be worth a certain amount of points based on how difficult it is to collect and then the team with the most points can win a prize. 

Another fun way to do this is by using photographs. A photo scavenger hunt will work the same way as a regular one but instead of collecting items they will need to take pictures with various objects or even people. This is a great way for your employees to work together and try to win. 

3. Bowling Outing

If you’re looking to get out of the office for a few hours, then take your team out so they can go bowling. This is a fun activity where everyone can use their competitive side. You can even make sure that people are paired to bowl with coworkers they aren’t normally working with. 

A bowling outing is a fun team building event because it helps everyone get to know each other in a fun environment. Everyone can bowl and eat some great bowling alley snacks while mingling with each other. 

4. Escape Rooms

A great way to get your team working together is to throw everyone into a room where they need to work together to solve clues and escape. Escape rooms are a great place for your team to figure out how to work together. This activity usually lasts about an hour and your team will think it is tons of fun. 

Using an escape room to promote team building is an awesome way for your employees to learn how each of their coworkers operates. Sometimes these challenges can be a bit stressful so you’ll be able to see how your team works together in stressful situations. 

5. Throw a Team Building Event

What better way to promote team building than to have a whole event centered around it? Team Building by Corporate Challenge Events can help you create fun challenges that will make your team want to work together.

You have many options when it comes to creating team building events with them. These events can be indoors or outdoors, they can last an hour or all day, and they can even be held during the day or at night. Corporate Challenge Events will take care of everything so you can participate in the team building activities too!

6. Have a Potluck Lunch

Everyone has a favorite food so get to know each other’s favorite foods by throwing a potluck for lunch. Each of your employees can bring in their favorite dish to pass and everyone can talk about why they love that dish so much. 

If you really want to get to know each other, then have each of your employees bring in their favorite dish from their childhood. It could be a dish that their grandmother made that they really loved or just their favorite food as a kid. This is a fun way to see how everyone grew up and changed over the course of their life.  

7. Murder Mystery Party

A fun way for your team to work together is by hosting a party where they need to work together in solving a crime. You can look up free murder mystery party templates or even purchase one. 

A murder mystery party is an awesome way to get your team together to enjoy some delicious food and solve a crime. If you want to really have fun, then make sure to give each person their character before the party. This way they can dress up and really act as if they’re trying to solve the murder. 

8. Volunteer Together

Another great way to get everyone working together is to find a volunteer opportunity for the whole crew. There are plenty of places around your community that would love for you and your team to volunteer together. You can work at a local soup kitchen, plant flowers around the community, or even bring presents and visit people in the hospital. 

With the holidays coming up another fun idea is to adopt a family for Christmas. Your team can work together to either raise money or buy gifts and things that the family needs this holiday season. 

Unusual Team Building Activities

When it comes to planning unusual team building activities you need to think outside of the box. There are tons of things that you and your employees can do that will make it easy to work together. 

Team building activities are also a fun break from everyday life so they help your employees to get more motivated. 

If you’re looking for more ways to get your employees motivated, then make sure to subscribe to our blog so you never miss a post.

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