Behind the Digital Asset Management System

Behind the Digital Asset Management System

The hosting of multimedia content for an entire company, whether dedicated servers or personal equipment, generates high implementation costs and maintenance that, instead of being an investment in automation, becomes an exaggerated expense.

Because of that, traditional storage systems are being forgotten and displaced by the digital asset management system, which is a much more effective method and has integrations and hundreds of useful functions than a simple virtual repository.

It’s an indispensable tool for all kind of people. From independent entrepreneurs to huge multinational corporations; with any data quantity or digital assets that are generated, the cloud has become for them, in the center of their business activity.

Recognizing this, thousands of companies have firmly opted for the digital asset management system: the next evolution in the virtualization of information storage processes.

How does Digital Asset Management System work?

Total independence is the first characteristic with which this tool has positioned itself in the business world. Large companies invest millions of dollars in creating data centers, in order to provide the exact amount of storage that their customers need; it allows them to migrate all their resources, from dedicated servers or individual computers, to general libraries and provide to their teams, the system access from any place of the world.

The teams of specialized professionals takes care of everything related to the handling, maintenance, support and security of the information hosted on their servers; performing periodic monitoring of at least 20 times per hour to their systems, and personnel are only allowed access to their customers’ repositories when they authorize it at the time of requesting technical support.

Integrated systems and practical functionalities

Although cloud storage is the flag of the digital asset management system, the companies has been added to these service, additional functions that make it easier for the business to manage their multimedia resources; including its edition and adaptation for the different digital platforms.

  • Integration with multimedia file editing programs.

  • Advanced searches with metadata functions.

  • Tagging keywords for all kinds of platforms and adapting format for publishing files in them.

  • Synchronization with personal and corporate emails.

  • Integrated web analytics.

  • Access for teams in collaborative projects.

  • Synchronization with other digital asset management system platforms.

  • Property rights management of digital assets.

Simple and intuitive operation and impenetrable security coverage

Saying good bye to the need to establish an IT team, the digital asset management system provides a simple architecture, easy for the management of people with less experienced about data systems. The access to the client’s system is enabled for the number of people who request and they don’t need to use a specific device.

In addition, it offers high levels of security due to the constant audits of systems; executed to detect weak points in their data centers, which produce reports that generate a very good feedback and constant improvement in the systems.

Benefits of Digital Asset Management System for Creative Projects

People that work in creative projects, in any department of marketing companies, know very well the delay related to the storage. “My PC is broken”, “I have to go out the office”, “I lost the file”, are the things that usually happens when a project is running. The delivery times are a trouble when the team doesn’t have access to general libraries where they could share their files.

That is why, most of the companies that rent services of digital asset management system are creative business. Big teams are benefit of these functionalities, making their collaborations more effectives to their projects through the tasks managing, budgets, templates, reports, alerts and reminders.

Get your Digital Asset Management System now!

Our company, taking care of the needs of our clients, has developed our own digital asset management system; adaptable to any business and with all the functions that are required for the correct management of its digital resources, with competitive budgets and 24/7 technical support.

This tool verified and endorsed by the testimony of more than X brands, has been a key point for their success and automation. Learn more about the prices of our plans and take advantage of the benefits that the digital asset management system has for you.

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