Most people don’t know what an EMP attack is, but the threat of one becomes more and more credible the more we rely on electronics in our everyday lives. An EMP attack has the potential to completely change the way we live within seconds, and cause mass amounts of panic and electronic failure.
There are a lot of things to worry about these days without adding another to the list, but the quicker we accept that the possibility of an EMP attack is growing the quicker we can properly protect ourselves against one. It’s better to be prepared for something that probably won’t happen than be left high-and-dry.
So what is an EMP attack? Look no further.
What Is an EMP Attack?
When a nuclear explosion happens, it releases a burst of electromagnetic radiation. This electromagnetic pulse, otherwise known as an EMP, has the ability to disrupt and completely destroy electronics for miles due to the high current it sends through a given device. These blasts can happen naturally through solar storms, for example, but they are also caused by nuclear arms exploding.
An EMP turns into an EMP attack when it’s purposely used by one group or person on another to disrupt their electronics. This is a very real threat today, especially considering how many countries have nuclear arms, and how many of us rely on electronics every day. All it takes is one nuclear explosion over a key area to wipe out all electronics for miles.
EMPs are not dangerous to people or your health, meaning you don’t need to be worried about it affecting your health if it were ever to happen. However, it can be dangerous if you have a pacemaker, or you’re driving or flying at the time of the attack. Your vehicle will likely not be safe from the attack, which is one reason why you shouldn’t get in a car after a nuclear explosion.
An EMP attack would be a detrimental event for the earth, so it’s good to be prepared.
Are All Electronics Effected by EMP Attacks?
If an EMP attack happened, the majority of electronics would be at risk of destruction. This includes many types of cars, all computers, radios, and basically anything else that uses electricity to run.
However, certain electronics have a chance of survival. Cars manufactured before the 90s have a chance as they have fewer components in them that rely on electronics to run. Solar panels seem to survive emp blasts as well, although their output and intake will decrease.
It’s believed that devices that don’t use solid-state electronics will survive an EMP attack. Solid-state electronics are any device that uses transistors, integrated circuits, or other semiconductors to run. So vintage electronics and appliances that use vacuum tubes are safe.
But some of the most important and vital electronic components in our lives will be rendered useless by an EMP strike. That includes power grids, TVs, anything with a microchip, hospital diagnostic machines, and banking systems. This would lead to undeniable chaos in no time.
Can I Protect My Electronics from EMP Attacks?
An EMP attack may seem like a hopeless situation, but there are a few things you can do to help protect your electronics in the case of an attack. Ferrite beads are one popular option. They clip onto the chords of your electronics and help prevent high-frequency electrical surges in the device.
A Faraday Cage, named after electromagnetic scientist Michael Faraday, is another great way to protect your electronics. A Faraday Cage is basically a container made of specific conductive metals that EMPs can’t get through. Any conductive metal will do fine, but the best choice (although pricy) is silver.
There are guides available that can teach you how to make your own Faraday Cage or Faraday bag, or you can purchase one if you want to be sure it’ll work. You can learn more here.
Of course, your electronics will only be safe if they’re inside the Faraday Cage, which isn’t practical for something like a laptop or cellphone that you use daily. In this case, it’s a good idea to start a stockpile of electronics to keep in your Faraday Cage at all times in case of an emergency. A cheap or old laptop, cellphone, is better than nothing in the case of an EMP attack and will leave you more prepared than most.
Even aluminum foil can be used to protect from EMP attacks, so if you have nothing else wrap your phones and electronics in aluminum. They’ll have a much better chance of surviving an EMP attack.
What Are We Doing to Prevent EMP Attacks?
Government officials and institutions like the military are well aware of the possibility of EMP attacks, and have put in place measures to try and prevent these in the future. In March of 2019, President Trump issued an “Executive Order on Coordinating National Resilience to Electromagnetic Pulses”, which looks to make the US’ power grid, military, and economic technologies safer from EMP attacks. This came after a report showed that the US was ill-prepared for the potential disaster.
The military has been studying EMP risks for a while now, and has prevention measures in place to ensure that they’ll be able to fight back in the case of an attack. Hopefully, these same preventative measures are being put in place for the power grid and beyond, as an EMP attack could cause trillions of dollars of damage in moments.
Don’t Let an EMP Attack Get the Best of You
If your friends and family ask, “What is an EMP attack?” now you’re prepared to inform them and prepare yourself in case one happens. You never know when an EMP might wipe out your electronics, whether by natural causes or a planned attack, so get prepared and ready for the worst. It can never hurt to be ready, no matter how unlikely the event.
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