What is Local SEO Marketing and How It Works?

What is Local SEO Marketing and How It Works?

Local Search Engine Optimization or commonly referred to as local SEO, is one of the best ways to promote your local business to the local targeted users. An essential part of the local SEO is that it makes people and local businesses meet in a common platform. It makes local businesses available and accessible to the local users who are exactly looking for them. 

The popular and trusted local SEO specialist, YEAH! Local describes local SEO as the red carpet of internet marketing because it is through the local SEO, businesses can secure their position in the competitive Search Engine Marketing. This can be achieved through various SEO techniques, some of which are practiced in standard SEO, while some of them are managed with the help of local SEO tools available online. Some of them are free while you have to pay the price to use some of them. 

What is Local Search?

To know the local search and semantics behind the local search first, you need to understand the difference between a standard or regular search and a local search. 

According to Google, 46% of searches have ‘local intent.’ 

Usually, the local search terms are quite long then the regular or generic search terms. For example, online shoes are abroad or generic search terms, whereas shoe shops in New York or Shoe stores in London for a local search term. These keywords are usually the long-tail keywords. You can get ranked for the domestic or microlocal critical phrases like ‘how to fix a blocked drain,’ ‘plumbers near me,’ or ‘best plumber in [location].’

What are the microlocal keywords? 

Microlocal keywords are the next version of local keywords. Local keywords have location added to the vital generic terms. In contrast, in the microlocal keywords, the particular area in a specific place is also added in the critical word like Plumbers in Manhattan or Plumbers in Central or South East London are few examples of microlocal keywords. Since now people use Google on their mobile phones they don’t need to put their location in the search query, instead they can just put the broad search term like ‘Plumbers’ not like the ‘plumbers near me’ or ‘Plumbers in (location)’ still they will get the desired results or the results which they are looking for. It is possible because of the GPS of the Mobile devices based on which Google automatically traces the location of the user from where he is doing the search and then provide him the required results. 

When you use Google Maps for the search, you don’t need to put location or words like ‘near me’ search engines better understand the searcher intent based on location and based on that, they offer results in the local search engine results pages (SERPs). This is where the importance of local SEO has emerged, and now more people are optimizing their websites or business listings for the local search term. 

What is Local SERP?

All the local businesses need to improve their website traffic visibility, and the best way is, of course, by getting listed in the ‘local pack’ or ‘3-pack’ listing, which you will get whenever you search for the local keywords. This is a block of three business listings which appears below the map in the Google search results when a user searches with local intent 

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