4 Ways to Reward Employees for Their Hard Work Through the Holidays

4 Ways to Reward Employees for Their Hard Work Through the Holidays

The holiday season is busy for many people, but employees who work overtime to ensure things get done on schedule deserve recognition and commendation. There are many ways a company can show appreciation by rewarding workers who arrive early, stay late, or work double shifts. Here are a few ideas for employers that are easy to carry out and affordable on the company budget.

Salary Bonus

Employees who work extra hard during the holidays are helping to increase company profits immediately while building goodwill with customers for the coming year. A salary bonus provides a practical reward that will no doubt come in handy for employee’s celebrating the holiday season or keeping up with regular winter expenses like higher heating bills. Any reasonable amount of bonus will let employees know that their efforts are valued.

Company Recognition

A company can publicly thank employees who put in extra time and effort during the holidays by lauding them in the company communication materials. A list of special thanks to specific individuals on the business website or in the department or organization newsletter lets others know about the employees who worked long and hard over the holiday season, possibly taking time from their own families and holiday festivities to help out the company and its customers. Those individuals are likely to be viewed with admiration and possibly considered for leadership positions by colleagues and supervisors who read content on the website or in the newsletter.

Corporate Event

A company holiday party or year-end commemorative corporate event is a delightful way to show appreciation for employees who have been extra supportive during the holidays. Special celebrations onsite or away can make everyone feel appreciated and build rapport while encouraging everyone to make occasional extra efforts during the holidays or as needed. Annual recognition dinners with or without professional entertainment like a band or comedian enable everyone to share in the good work of those special employees. Offsite activities like a car race, theatre tickets, or a sports event provide memorable times that bring everyone together in the spirit of fun and celebration.

Flex Time

When applicable, offering flex-time options let holiday hard workers take time off when the workload slows down to spend time with families or other activities. Even if it comes after the holidays, flex time provides acknowledgement and appreciation of extra work.

Companies that demonstrate consideration of their employees’ special efforts during peak times like the holidays by rewarding them will often find that employees are more loyal and dedicated as a result. Thank your hard workers with rewards like these to help them, and the company, continue to thrive.

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