IP Phone System- Everything you Need to Know

IP Phone System- Everything you Need to Know

There is no doubt that technological advancement has opened up numerous channels of communication, but one channel has remained consistent from the very beginning; phone. Even though chat and email replaced snail mail, phone calls remain more important than ever. They provide businesses with the ability of establishing a personal connection with customers without needing to be face-to-face. However, this doesn’t mean that phone has remained the same. Technology has brought changes in this regard as well and choices have gone beyond landlines and cell phones. These days, businesses can choose to use an IP phone system.

This type of phone system is designed for making VoIP phone calls. VoIP stands for Voice over internet protocol and it refers to calls that are made over the internet. Apps like WhatsApp and Skype are excellent examples of VoIP. The best thing about an IP phone system is that it can comprise of any combination of IP enabled desk phones, browser-based call management software and mobile applications. A several protocol is leveraged by IP phone systems, which is called SIP (Session Initiation Protocol). This helps in connecting calls from a browser mobile app or a desk phone to the public switched telephone system (PSTN).

The old-fashioned and outdated PBX system is replaced by call handling software, which routes the calls to the right device or extension. There are also a number of features that are added with the IP phone system, which can also be found in traditional phones, such as automated attendants, voicemails, hold music, call forwarding and more. The IP phone system has gained popularity because it provides a variety of benefits to businesses of all sizes. First and foremost, virtual IP phone systems like those offered by Grandstream Dubai, are less expensive than traditional phones. This is due to the fact that you only have to pay for the exact number of phone numbers you require.

In contrast, traditional phone lines can only be bought in batches of 23. This can be expensive for a business with only a handful of employees. With an IP phone system, you don’t have to pay any maintenance or installation fee either because everything is done in the cloud. Apart from that, these systems can provide flexibility to businesses because physical location doesn’t matter. You can work from anywhere without requiring any additional equipment. When you are adding an employee or two, you can simply assign an extension of the current number to them on the fly.

Another important benefit of IP phone systems is that they require a lot less maintenance. Copper wire landlines have to be maintained and upgraded, which can result in downtime for the business and waiting for the technician. With IP phone systems, you don’t need to be concerned because all upgrades and maintenance can be done remotely. You don’t have to wait for anyone to do the work and it can be done quickly, which allows the business to continue running smoothly. You can install such a phone system and enjoy these benefits easily.

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