Making the Customer Happy: 7 Effective Tips for Improving Customer Service

Making the Customer Happy: 7 Effective Tips for Improving Customer Service

Are you giving your customers the best service possible? If you’re not, you could be in serious trouble!

Around 92% of customers say that they would stop purchasing from a company after three or fewer poor customer service experiences.

You cannot afford to turn off your customers with poor customer service. If you’re concerned that you’re not satisfying your customers recently, you need to fix it.

Are you eager to make your customers happy? Here are our 7 tips for improving customer service at your company. Check them out below!

1. Ask Your Customers for Feedback

How do you know if your customers are happy or not if you don’t encourage feedback? Ask your regular customers about how things could be improved.

When you receive feedback from your customers, listen carefully to what they’re saying. It’s easy to reject what they say and think that you know best.

You shouldn’t struggle to get feedback from customers. You can also check online reviews for more constructive criticism.

Over 82 percent of consumers read reviews. If you don’t pay attention to what is said here, you’ll damage your business.

You can use this valuable feedback to improve your customer service and ensure that you increase sales as a result.

2. Urgently Respond to Complaints 

What do you do when you receive complaints? You might be tempted to simply ignore it and hope that they go away.

But, you need to engage with your feedback and complaints. Whether someone has left a message on social media or sent you a formal letter, treat it exactly the same.

Your customers usually expect a quick response. In fact, 72 percent of customers expect a response within one hour.

You may not be able to deal directly with every message of the complaint immediately. Sending an automatic reply can let your customers know you’ll deal with their complaint as soon as possible. 

Check out the details for how to ensure that you have an effective call center software for your company. 

3. Improve Training for Your Employees

Have you failed to give your frontline staff customer service training? You may think that it’s simply too expensive for you to afford.

But, you should know that businesses lose up to $75 billion every year due to poor customer service. You definitely need to invest in the training and development of your employees.

Your staff may have to deal with a wide variety of difficult customer service situations. Make sure they’re prepared!

4. Provide Personalized Customer Service

Research shows that personalized customer service increases customer satisfaction and revenue. Your customers don’t want to be treated all the same.

You can make your customers feel special with personalized services. This may include calling them by their name via email, social media and in-person.

Simply asking them how they’re their day is going and smiling with eye contact can go a long way to giving your customers a good impression of your company.

You could also introduce a loyalty or membership scheme for your customers to give them the sense that they’re not “just another customer.”

5. Show Willingness to be Flexible 

Are you always telling your customers that you have rules you won’t break? Or, that you cannot accept any returns?

This is the kind of inflexibility that your customers will complain about. You need to show that you’re willing to accommodate your customers. 

You need to show that you’re happy to put your customers before profit. This won’t damage your business.

People will quickly notice that you’re more concerned about people than profit. This will only benefit you in the long-term.

6. Deals and Promotions for Customers 

Giving your customers great value can really make a difference. You can show that you appreciate your customers by giving them special discounts or exciting promotions. 

You could also make people feel extra special by offering them something different for a particular occasion.

Is it one of your customer’s birthday? Why not offer them a special discount as a gift or send them an e-card via email.

7. Incentivize Employees to go the Extra Mile

Your employees are even more likely to handle customer service expertly if you give them incentives to do so. 

Rewarding your best employees of the month with a cash prize, or simply giving high performing staff a day off can help.

If you think that your employees have provided excellent customer service for your customers, celebrate with a party for them.

Showing that you appreciate it when your employees provide exceptional customer service can ensure that it stays that way.

8. Apologize When You’re Wrong 

Every company makes mistakes. If you have failed to deliver on what you promised, it’s important to apologize and make it up to the customer.

Remember, the customer is always right. There is no point arguing with them when you can simply say sorry and move on.

If you receive a poor review online, simply respond with an apology and send them a free gift voucher. This turns a poor experience into a better one for your customers.

Ways of Improving Customer Service

Do you think that your customer service isn’t up to scratch? There are dozens of ways of improving customer service in your business.

By following our tips and tricks you can significantly raise your game. You’ll quickly notice that your revenues increase and your customers go away happy.

Are you searching for more business advice to help your company improve? Discover much more on our website!

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