Your Complete Guide to Serving Coffee at the Office

Your Complete Guide to Serving Coffee at the Office

Looking to offer the luxury and benefits of coffee to your employees? After all, serving coffee can help boost productivity. It’s also a healthy drink! 

But how do you guarantee top-of-the-line service? How do you serve the best coffee possible? 

Fret not, we’ve got a guide here for you. Read on below to learn how you can find the best office coffee maker and more: 

1. Get the Right Beans 

Do you want employees to fully appreciate the coffee you serve? You can only achieve this by getting the right coffee. Unless you’re serving K-Cups/Nespresso Cups and instant coffee, make it a point to order the best coffee beans. 

Take time to decide between Arabica and Robusta coffee. Learn the types of coffee bean roast levels, from City Roasts to Full French Roasts. Also, don’t buy coffee beans unless they’re fresh!  

2. The Right Office Coffee Machines 

Serving coffee at the office can get messy. It can get loud. You also have to consider how many people will try to get a cup during their breaks. 

You don’t want the wrong coffee machine since it could disrupt the workflow, affecting productivity. There are a bunch of options and we’ll discuss a few of them below. 

If you don’t want employees to make coffee on their own, it’s better to outsource. You can find a plethora of coffee services that can come in and make coffee for your business. You can check out this guide here to learn more. 

Keep note, we’re not going to tackle French press coffee makers, manual Aeropress machines, or siphon coffee makers. These take up too much time and aren’t practical choices for the office. The best options for office use include the following: 

Instant Cups 

Ever seen a Keurig or Nespresso coffee machine? You don’t have to manually pour in coffee grind or beans. Instead, you buy cups that already contain flavored coffee.  

Insert the cups, turn on the machine, and let it do its thing. The only downside is that instant coffee cups don’t taste amazingly good and they can take a few minutes to brew. Instant cups can also get expensive, although you have to consider the fact you’re paying for convenience. 

Still, they’re simple, quiet and clean, which makes them ideal for offices. You won’t have to worry about a mess. Simply keep a nearby trash bin for the used cups. 

Drip Coffee Machine 

And then there are traditional drip coffee machines. These are the most basic, the most affordable, and the easiest to use. Simply put in a filter, add coffee grind and water, and brew.  

In a single brew, you could make enough coffee for 6-8 people. That’s great if you want to make coffee quickly and for a bunch of employees. 

The main downside is that they get messy. It’s easy to spill water or coffee on the table. If you don’t buy coffee already ground, you’ll need a grinder and that can get noisy. 

Espresso Machines 

If you want the best office coffee maker, bar none, then get an espresso machine. However, don’t get a complex type of espresso machine like the ones in a cafe. Using those require skills and training, plus the time it takes to make a single cup isn’t worth the investment. 

Buy an automatic espresso machine. Many of these come with efficient and quiet coffee grinders, allowing you to buy fresh beans. Using them isn’t too complicated either; it’s mostly about picking a preset and then letting the machine do its job. 

Smart Coffee Maker 

Perhaps the most expensive option on this list is a smart coffee machine. These connect to an app on a phone or tablet, which you can leave right by the coffee machine’s side.  

Smart coffee makers are the best choices when it comes to convenience. Employees can program and name their preferences on the app. To brew, they simply have to tap on the app. 

You can even schedule the machine to automatically start brewing at specific hours. 

3. Buy a Coffee Grinder 

If you’re aiming to serve the best coffee, buy beans and a grinder. Don’t buy coffee grounds because there’s no guarantee they’re fresh. It’s always better to grind coffee beans yourself and then use them immediately with the machine.  

Fortunately, there are a ton of options. Your best bets are coffee grinders that aren’t too noisy and offer different grind levels. This ensures everyone at the office can make the exact kind of drink they like. 

4. Proper Location 

Whether you outsource or buy a coffee machine and beans, you need to find the best location. You want the coffee station close enough to your employees and the work floor so they don’t waste time walking to it. However, it shouldn’t be too close since they might spend too much time there. 

The best places to serve coffee include the office lounge, near the restroom, or the photocopy room. Employees frequent these rooms and they can have a cup of coffee before or after going to the restroom, while getting documents photocopied, or while relaxing.  

Why Serve Coffee? 

Why consider serving coffee at the office anyway? 

First off, coffee is a good way to keep your employees awake and active. The caffeine can give them the boost they need to get more work done without feeling too exhausted or drained.  

Offering coffee also lets people get together to relax, discuss, and strengthen their bond. Allowing employees to collaborate can even help them be more productive. 

Coffee is also a healthy drink and it’s a lot better than letting employees spend their break period smoking. There’s also the benefit that they can drink indoors, compared to smoking, which ensures they’re close by in case you suddenly need to call them for work. 

Start Serving Coffee at the Office Now! 

What are you waiting for? You can boost productivity and give employees a meaningful way to spend their break time by serving coffee. Get the right coffee maker or outsource and enjoy a good cup today! 

But, getting coffee is only one great business service you can take advantage of. There are so many more, like better team building activities to methods you can utilize to boost employee health and productivity. If you want to learn more about these tips, feel free to go through our other guides right now! 


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