4 Things You Need to Know About Packing and Selling Your Homemade Delicacies Online

4 Things You Need to Know About Packing and Selling Your Homemade Delicacies Online

If you enjoy cooking, then it’s likely that you want to share that with others. If you’re looking to make some extra coin in the matter, you can opt for selling these homemade delicacies online. However, here are four key things you need to know about doing so effectively.

Know the Cottage Food Laws

When it comes to regulations about how you sell your food, it all starts with where the food is made. Food that is made in a commercial kitchen has different selling laws than food which is made in a home. When you make food at your home, you’ll need to follow your state’s Cottage Food Laws. While it’s important to understand the specifics of the laws in your state, there are a few examples that seem to hold true for most states. These are you need a business license, no pets can be in the kitchen, you need adequate cold and dry storage locations, and you must have zoning clearance.

You Need to Follow Labeling Requirements

If you pick up food in a store, you’ll notice that there is a label. This label shows the various ingredients that are found in the product. For safety reasons, it’s a good idea to have allergen testing conducted to ensure that you can include on your label what allergens your product may contain. With more and more people getting food sensitivities, it’s important that you’re accurate with your labeling. You’ll need to provide clear information about your product so that people can easily determine if anything in your food will make them have an allergic reaction.

Food Handling Training Is Vital

Remember that the future of your new business will rely on your ability to provide customers with safe products. It’s advisable to undergo a food handling course where you can learn about proper food handling tactics. This includes everything from the proper storage temperatures for different foods to the adequate temperature to wash dishes. This will go a long way in ensuring food safety for your customers and give you a competitive edge when it comes to getting the proper permitting for your area.

Get Your Suppliers Lined Up

If you plan on scaling your business, you’re going to need to have reputable suppliers in line. You don’t want to wait until you get a massive order to find out that the local grocery store doesn’t have the supplies that you need. Rather, you should have reliable suppliers who can provide you with high-quality products for your baking. You can also enjoy some bulk discount pricing with these suppliers.

Before you start to sell your delicacies online, you need to become knowledgeable about a few different things. As you can see above, everything from sourcing your ingredients to knowing the laws that affect your area is all necessities. Doing the proper research ahead of time can help to save you a lot of struggling later on once your business is underway.

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